Having knowledge of facts of all kinds is useful for you. As in this article we have collected some facts, which may be disturbing for you, but it is true. Have a look to these facts below and do share with your near once. Interesting Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself
Strange and Disturbing Facts

Whenever you enjoy a nice, cold glass of water, you’re drinking dinosaur pee.
Peanut Butter

There might be more than just nuts in your peanut butter. Apparently the FDA allows 1 pound to contain 150 bug fragments, and five rodent hairs.
Toilet Flush

Every time you flush a toilet, it releases tiny droplets into the air that are tainted with fecal matter. Which means you could be brushing your teeth with a poopy tooth brush.

Female kangaroos have not one, not two, but THREE vaginas.

Dragonflies have shovel shaped penises, which allows them to scoop out rival dragonfly sperm.

Chocolate lovers beware; the tasty treat could disappear by the year 2020.

Proving that we’re not that different from monkeys: apparently the male rhesus monkey will actually forgo nourishment to see pictures of female rhesus monkey butts.
Soda Fountains

48% of soda fountains found in fast food establishments contain bacteria that grew in fecal matter.
Infant Foreskins

Apparently infant foreskins have many uses. Not only has the foreskin fibroblast been used in medical applications such as skin grafts, they’ve also been used in the manufacturing of face cream.

You know that hairspray you use everyday? Apparently in 2008, scientists discovered a new bacteria species that LIVES in your hairspray.
Clean your Teeth with Urine

Apparently you can clean your teeth with urine. The Romans did it!

At any given moment, there is a spider within a six foot radius of you. AND, if that’s not scary enough, it is estimated th
Cheese that contains live maggots

There is actually a cheese that contains live maggots. It comes from Sardinia, and because the maggots can jump up to five inches out of the cheese, you’re supposed to shield your eyes while eating it.
Interesting Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself
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