4 Tips to Make You a Smart Online Shopper in 2021

The year 2020 saw a major spike in cybersecurity threats, especially among online shoppers. While the Covid-19 pandemic brought about a swift transition to online shopping (owing to its convenience and safety), it also led to a massive increase in shoppers and businesses alike being attacked by cybercriminals. The most common cyberattacks that plagued shoppers include:

  • Ransomware attacks where cybercriminals placed restrictions on the shoppers’ systems and files, demanding large payments for these restrictions to be taken off.
  • Phishing scams where cybercriminals created fake pages resembling real shopping websites. Many naïve shoppers became victims of these frauds and ended up acquiring malware infections.
  • Hackers committed a large number of identity thefts. They did this by stealing shoppers’ personal details like name, address, contact, and credit card number, causing huge financial losses.

It’s important, now more than ever, to make sure you stay protected from these attacks. The following are the steps that can help you seal your security while shopping:

  • Buy From Secure Websites – An authentic website uses the SSL(secure sockets layer) technology. By finding the little lock icon at the side of a web address, you can ensure that a website has SSL encryption It ensures all your personal data and credit card details remain protected when you’re shopping and making payments. Make sure that the web address also includes ‘http’ alongside the SSL encryption.
  • Use a VPN – Make sure you protect yourself with a VPN while browsing for products online. Virtual Private Network or VPN ensures that the data you receive or send is encrypted so that hackers don’t steal your credit card or other payment details or even tap into your network for tracking your personal data or activity.
  • Avoid Phishing Traps By Ignoring Messages or Emails From Untrustworthy Sources – You might get messages and emails related to product discounts and offers that could include untrustworthy attachments. These sources can infect your system with malware and viruses. It also leads you to reveal your passwords, contact address, usernames, and credit card details. To avoid this, make sure you first land on the official website from the browser instead to check if the deal is genuine.
  • Keep Your Browser and Antivirus Updated – This helps you keep your cache and cookies secure and avoid data leakage of any kind.

Before purchasing a product, it’s important to first read the product reviews from verified buyers on any eCommerce website. In case you find a large number of ratings but barely any reviews, you can take it as a signal the ratings were generated by bots and are therefore fake and untrustworthy.

Don’t miss out on saving some extra cash by comparing product prices across different platforms. It can be by using comparison tools or websites like Google Shopping to ensure you don’t end up spending extra on the same product.

Both online shopping and cybercrimes are expected to constantly rise, especially in 2021. This is why it’s crucial to take all the steps to keep yourself protected. Be sure to make informed decisions about both saving your money and maintaining your security for a good shopping experience.


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