The fifth part of Navdurga is Skanda Mata. On the favored fifth day of Navratri Pooja, Skanda Mata is adored. Admirers offer incredible respect to mother Skanda on Panchami of Durga Pooja. Skanda is the name given to Kumar Kartikey. Goddess Parvati is the mother of Kartikey and along these lines venerated with the name ‘Skanda Mata’. When all Devta (divinities), Rishi-Muni (holy person, holy men), and Manushya (humanity) were drained from torment and in addition mastery of gigantic mammoth Tarakasur, Kumar Kartikeya is the main omnipotent who decimated the oppression of Devil Tarakasur. Being the mother of effective god Kumar Kartikey, mother Parvati is celebrated with the name ‘Skanda Mata’. She is the genuine Goddess of perseverance.
She is spoken to with four-arm holding six-confronted newborn child Kumar Kartikey in her lap. Her both right and left high grounds hold lotus blossom. She is additionally respected with the name ‘Padamasana Devi’ as she seats on the lotus in the condition of contemplation. Venerating the mother of Skanda on the fifth day of Navratri Pooja has additionally extraordinary criticalness.
Her exquisite appearance entrances the admirers. She is the genuine Goddess of immaculateness. By offering to summon to this omnipotent, admirers can venture to every part of the serene Universe to assuage their spirit and psyche. This extraordinary adventure makes them understand the radiant truth of life. They desert their distresses and accomplish the colossal and celestial happiness in life.
- 5th Day of Navratri Colors 2023: yellow
Chant this mantra to worship Goddess Skandamata…
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्द माता यशश्विनी ||Siṅghāsanagatā nityama padmāśritakaradvayā |
śubhadāstu sadā dēvī skanda mātā yaśaśvinī ||
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May MATA blesses you on this special day of Navratri, and may on this festive season Dhan, Yash, and Samriddhi come to your home… Happy Navratri!
Those empty spaces were my silent prayers, asking Maa Durga to guide and protect YOU always in whatever YOU do and wherever YOU are! Happy Navratri and Durga puja…
Memories of moments celebrated together,
Moments that have been attached in my heart forever,
Make me miss you even more this Navratri.
Hope this Navratri brings in good fortune.
Happy Durga Pooja…
Today is the first NAVRATRA. May GOD DURGA give prosperity to you and to your family. May her blessings be always with you. JAI MAATA DI. Happy Navratra!
May This Navratri be as bright as ever. May this Navratri bring joy, health, and wealth to you. May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear one’s lives. Happy Navratra Durga puja…
Fortunate is the one who has learned to Admire, but not to envy. Good Wishes for a joyous Navratri with plenty of Peace and Prosperity…
Happy Navaratri, I wish to Goddess Durga that removes your all troubles and sorrows. Brings 9 colors of happiness in your life & all your wishes come true. God bless you!
What is that bright light?
From where does this fragrance coming?
This gentle breeze, cool air, hearty music…
Oh! its Navaratri Happy Navaratri…
May the festival of lights be the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of Navratri is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of mirth and love…
Navratri is a special occasion. A time for new beginnings and offering your dedication and reverence to the Goddess Shakti. Wish you & your family Happy Navratri.
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