6 Smart Ways for Becoming an Eco-Friendly Business

Meeting our daily needs, whether, on a domestic or business level, the environment has always been a backbone to human development. In the process of one’s fulfilment, We humans are busy destroying nature at its limit.

With overflowing landfills and our oceans choked with plastic, environmental responsibility has become a more pressing concern than ever before. It was revealed in recent stats that Americans are throwing away 230 million tons of waste each year – more than any other nation globally, becoming a major contributor to the destruction of nature. In the same way, the estimated amount of waste thrown per person mostly in the European Union was 475 kg in the year 2014.

The relieving information is that about 100% of that waste was treated in such a way that it must be ensured that it has the minimal possible impact on the environment, and 44% of it was either recycled or composted.

Some better news: the latest stats released by Eurostat revealed that things are improving than before. The 2014 estimates are down a good 10% from the EU’s peak in 2002 when the average citizen was generating 527 kg annually.

Large industrial projects are also being set up each day in different parts of the world, giving an alarming increase in the pollution level. Each day we are taking a step ahead in nature’s destruction, not knowing how badly we are engaged in this process and the outcomes.

How to set up an Eco-friendly business atmosphere?

Before destruction reaches its verge, we today itself can turn things around. Whatever kind of business you have, a multi-dollar corporation or a small- scale startups, the below-mentioned ways can help you make your business eco-friendlier and more productive.

1.    Adopt green procurement

The most simple and safest way for anyone to reduce your business’s environmental impact is adopting green procurement. Try to look for the company’s procurement policies and go for those suppliers who provide goods produced through sustainable means and avoid excessive packaging.

Take assurance that no amount of toxic and harmful substances is added to the products, ultimately harming the environment. The goods must be reused/recycled and must be made from renewable materials. Be alert and interested with the suppliers regarding their background and the goods from where they are being brought from, and how they will be dispensed in front of you.

Try to find your local area suppliers so that the minimal amount of vehicle emission such as carbon footprint can be reduced. If there are such local suppliers, the need for online sourcing of products will vanish, providing a good start to green procurement.

2.    Eco-friendly office supplies

In the US alone, more than four million disposable pens are thrown away every day. Just imagine what type of damage these pens are doing to nature! Simply switching to ink refilling reusable pens will help you keep track of the pens than just throwing them away. These will also be cheaper and, at the same time, long term usable.

Replacing paper wastes with sticky note pads, mini dry erase boards, tablets, or notebooks which will eventually help in fewer landfills. Taking notes electronically can be a better idea for the eco-friendly business.

Appoint some other persons to keep track of all the stationery cupboards in an effort to promote the green business. Keep transparency with your teammates by providing all possible knowledge and information regarding the eco-friendly business measures. Make them comfortable with this idea, so that they would start taking their responsibility towards this.

3.    Take a step ahead with Skipr.

To have a sustainable business, the enterprises should be as such that they leave a minimal negative impact on the global or local environment. In order To achieve this, Skipr will become your partner.

Skipr is a mobility partner that helps you take a step ahead in the smooth transition of green business by providing sustainable mobility services for the companies. It was Founded in 2018 and was aimed to support companies in their progress towards more sustainable mobility for their employees. This startup has already signed remarkably in big multinational companies in Belgium, including Accenture, Ogilvy, and Carrefour, aiming to use the funding to expand to other European markets, initiating with France.

A MaaS app with a SaaS management platform along with a payment card, Skipr helps to initiate and implement several new mobility policies for companies.

These three products altogether serve as planning, paying, and managing employee mobility. The App guides users to their destination by combining private, public, and shared transport.

The card known as a payment card provides access to any other mobility service for free anywhere in Europe. The management platform centralizes all employee budgets and expenses while measuring the impact on the company’s carbon footprint.

Set up your mobility plan with Skipr as it ensures

  • Less CO2 emission, thereby helping to achieve CSR goals.
  • Increases employee’s well-being, which ultimately makes them motivated.
  • To reduce the costs by optimizing the tax costs of employees related to mobility and helps in managing administrative mobility work by providing simple and automated tools.

The above-mentioned ways can be a small step to go green, but this will bring large differences in our environment and life too. So, try to adopt these and help nature to heal completely.

4.    Focus on low energy consumption

More and more industries and businesses are inclining towards renewable sources of energy as the impact of pollution over climate is reaching above the limit. There are several ways to reduce energy consumption which offices and other workplaces may acquire. You can go with LED fixtures and lights in place of incandescent light bulbs. Consider powering the office and other workplaces using alternative energy. Wind, solar, and geothermal power are among other renewable options.

As wind and solar energy become more accessible, green energy incentives have become widely available to businesses of all sizes. Business owners can choose to purchase power from green energy sources at reduced rates. In doing so, they can decrease their environmental impact while potentially lowering their operating expenses.

5.    Introduce 3r’s (reuse, reduce, recycle)

This should be the core mission of any business company. Before doing anything else, start with reducing usage. This means reducing your reliance on inefficient forms of energy and products (like electricity garnered from the electric grid)

The second is to try reusing the items. Don’t buy unnecessary items. If possible, try to reuse them as much as you can. Once you have started to shirk the uses of plastic bottles and other different luxurious items such as air conditioners or coolers, you will be in the process of healing nature by reusing some of the products you have lying around.

Recycling is the last step. It is so because if the above two are implemented properly, this doesn’t matter much. There’s still a lot of energy production and energy consumption involved with cleaning and repurposing recycled goods. These small changes can make a world of difference around the office.

6.    Opt for a “Green” web hosting

Do you know, running all of the servers in the USA is equivalent to running five nuclear power plants? Just imagine if the servers run out! Servers are required to be up and working all the time, which unknowingly adds extra to the environmental damage.

By opting for green web hosting, you can ensure that the least part of the energy needed to power the servers comes from a renewable source of energy. This is friendlier to the environment and is much affordable.

Web hosting companies have already saved money by choosing to generate their own energy, thus passing savings to their consumers. This makes green hosting much more affordable than traditional choice. By this, businesses get much eco-friendly and also helps to gain the trust of your customers. Green hosting is also reliable, so there is no worry about offline business.


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