Happy 69th Independence Day 2015, Is India Really Independent?

#WeWantChange 75th Independence Day 2021, Is India Really Independent?

Every year on 15 August Indian Independence Day is celebrated with great joy and happiness. As Independence Day is approaching. India got Freedom on 15th August 1947 from British rule, the immeasurable of Indian freedom fighters brought this day of celebration. India’s prime minister unfurls India’s flag and holds a speech at the Red Fort in Old Dehli. But today here in this article we will share your problems which Indians are facing. And we Indians have to make solutions for these National problems. There are many problems but a few of them we have discussed below like Poverty, Rape cases, Over Population, Religious Riots, Unemployment Rise, Female Foeticides, and much more which we show is given below video. 15th August Independence Day 2021 Images
Happy 69th Independence Day 2015, Is India Really Independent?

Is India Really Independent?

38 % of Doctors in the US are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
27% of Intel employees are Indians.
37% of Total scientists in the US are Indians.


Still, India is backward and that is because of our selfish politicians who encourage Reserved more than Deserved !!

Happy Independence Day

1. We have a lot of quantity but what we want is quality.. Give a chance to the deserved rather than the reserved.

2. Really talented people don’t get what they deserve…because they are not ‘reserved’.

3. Reservation should be abolished or soon INDIA will get abolished. .!

4. To prove the word equality in the constitution.

5. As abroad India should offer free quality education and should sponsor scholarships for an unprivileged poor student, reservation is just opposite to it.

6. So, the quality people and real talent can get the opportunity.

7. Due to reservations, we’re feeling guilty, because undeserved people are getting seats and thus we are failing to show equality even if we want.

8. The reservation system is affecting the education system.

9. The reservation system should be abolished because it is associated with the castes rather than the economically backward.

10. It was meant to end, not to increase with time…

11. Because the reserved are preferred over the deserved and that reserved is undeserving.

12. Because if this system continues… India was a developing country…India is a developing country….and India will be a developing country forever…..

13. If reservation policy continues it will lead to the “murder of merit”.

14. Because generals are also human beings and they are neither born with extraordinary brains, they have a silver spoon in their mouth.

15. Because the demon of Casteism is growing on account of reservation. People make fake caste certificates and taking the seats and scholarships of the talented ones. If the deserved people had got reservations, India could have become a developed country. Poverty and backwardness do not recognize any caste.

16. For the accomplishment of equal opportunity to deserving candidates…

17. Because it breaks the unity of the country.

18. So that all people may feel that they are being treated equally…!!

19. Even after 72 years of a reservation system, they still need a reservation. It means, they just don’t deserve it!!

Let’s Pledge to make India better.
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One response to “#WeWantChange 75th Independence Day 2021, Is India Really Independent?”

  1. Praveen Avatar

    What is the solution???

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