Lunar Eclipse 27 July 2018: How to see Friday’s lunar eclipse, the longest one this century

on Friday, The world will be going to see and observes a rare celestial event – the longest lunar eclipse of the century, which will be last one hour and 45 minutes.

As per the CNN, the moon will be in perfect alignment with the sun and Earth, afterward, the moon in the middle of the Earth and the sun.

Coupled with this, star-gazers in this whole world will also get a chance to witness a deep red Blood Moon, a situation or the circumstances that happens the moon is perfectly eclipsed and appears reddish because of the sunlight.

this month, the Stargazers are having it very good with a line-up of a triple celestial delight: a partial solar eclipse that will be happened on the 13th July; now a lunar eclipse on the night of 27th July; and Mars coming the closest it has to earth in 15 years on this 31st July.

“India is at the centre stage of the lunar eclipse. It is visible all over India in its entirety,” Ajay Talwar, said, at the Amateur Astronomers Association Delhi.

The cloudy monsoon skies could play spoilsport but after this eclipse which is now longer than the most, there is a good chance of catching a glimpse.

“The Moon is not always in perfect alignment with the Sun and the Earth, so that is why we do not get a lunar eclipse every lunar cycle. You will see the sunrise and sunset of the Earth lighting up the surface of the Moon — over 350,000 km away. If you were on the Moon, you would see a total solar eclipse as the Earth would be blocking the Sun,” CNN quoted Brad Tucker, an astronomer with the Australian National University’s Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, as saying

This rare celestial event is all set to be visible across Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. In India, this can be seen after 11:54 pm IST on July 27.


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