Three Developments from The World of Bitcoin Which Investors Should Pay Attention To

Introduction: It is important that continuous education and information help in making decisions as a financial investor. This is because uninformed decisions usually end up in heavy losses and wipe out investments. Not every investor is the same; there are reasons why some investors are more successful than others are.

In this article, we will look at some important points about cryptocurrencies in general and Bitcoin in particular, which can help investors with their plans. If you are looking to start investing in Bitcoins or other crypto, favourable announcements of the same by men or institutions of repute are going to help you build your confidence.

1. Titan Investor, Paul Tudor Jones II shows remarkable interest in Bitcoin-

The biggest news from the world of crypto last week revolved round the $38 Billion USD Investment firm, ‘Jones Tudor BVI Global Fund’ and what its CEO, John Paul stated.

John Paul is one of the most widely respected pioneers of the Hedge Fund industry. Having amassed a fortune for himself and his clients, the investing great has now sets his sights on Bitcoin. In a letter to his investors, he speaks about how Bitcoin can be a safe and stable financial asset to invest in, contrary to what others are saying.

According to Paul Jones, Bitcoin’s current rally, and its outlook as a financial asset is quite similar to what gold was way back in the 1970s. He says that Bitcoin is capable of becoming a solid hedge against inflation, given the nature of monetary policies of the government.

Paul Jones like most investors feel that the Coronavirus pandemic is going to result in never before seen inflation levels in global economies all over the world. As governments increase borrowings, Bitcoin can become a solid asset like gold, to guard against inflation.

2. Indian Crypto Exchanges register Record Trading Figures on Bitcoin-

One of the most positive news items in recent months in the crypto ecosystem has been the activities in India. With the top-most court of the land, overturning the bank imposed by the central bank of India, cryptocurrency interest boomed in the country.

Several Crypto Exchanges started registering record transactions and queries. According to data, exchanges were comfortably trading over $10 Million a day, ever since the lifting of the ban. This is a positive announcement as it means that more and more people are coming within the fold of this exciting new financial asset.

India boasts of one of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world. With a Middle Class estimated to be more than the entire population of USA, the prospects of growing cryptocurrencies is very promising.

Are Indians currently betting big on Bitcoin and other crypto only because of the Coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown? This is something, which only time will be able to tell. (However, let us know what you think in the comments section below).

3. New Zealand’s Central Bank is offering a Full-Time Position to a New Money Futurist-

It comes as no surprise that countries are looking to understand the financial system better. Many countries all over the world are looking to predict how the financial system is going to look like in the future. This means more and more knowledge and understanding about digital currencies, cryptocurrencies and asset backed currencies.

With Bitcoin’s ascendency, China’s new Digital Yuan and Facebook’s Libra looking to revolutionise the digital currency world, the country of New Zealand looks to step up to the plate. The country has started a new permanent position- Head of Money and Cash, at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ).


The world is at its best moment when it is coming to investing in newer forms of financial assets. Bitcoin’s success is a testament to how our financial systems are going to look like in the future. For more information, please visit-


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