Twin Sisters Get Engaged To Their Shared Boyfriend Check Images Name Wiki Bio Profession Images & Net Worth

Twin Sisters Get Engaged To Their Shared Boyfriend Check Images Name Wiki Bio Profession Images & Net Worth

A one of a kind marriage proposal was witnessed in Perth, Australia, where the world’s closest and the most identical Twin sisters, “Lucy DeCnque and Anna DenCinque” was proposed by their long time boyfriend, Ben Byrne. The most bizarre thing was that both the twin are dating the same guy since 2012 and now they have been proposed by the same guy. Ben took the twin sisters to a park and did a romantic set-up for them, and later he was seen proposing the two of them with matching identical rings. All this happening was witnessed by the world on one of the famous TV reality show of America, named, “Extreme Sisters Season 1”

.Identical twin sisters want to marry 'shared' boyfriend, but can't |  NewsBytes

Well, both the sisters have shared their passion and fantasy of sharing and having the same boyfriend and eventually they find that person in Ben. The twins have in fact has revealed on multiple occasions that they are not jealous of each other and as of matter of fact, it’s the other way around. They have confessed on several occasions that they are inseparable and their love for each other is beyond words. It has been said they do everything together and by everything, we mean everything.

The sister themselves have confirmed that they have never been apart and they cannot even imagine their life without each other. They feel that they have separation anxiety and with the absence of each other, they cannot body do not function properly. The sisters have also said they are so close to each other they go to the toilet together and also take a shower together too. Moreover, even when they are stuffing food, they make sure that both of them get the exact amount of food in term of quantity and quality.

Well, talking about their boyfriend, Ben, then, the 37-yar old man is an electrician by profession, however, he likes to keep his personal and professional life quite private. in the recent episode of the famous Tv reality show of TLC, Extreme Sisters, the trio was seen enjoying a romantic picnic. Later, Ben proposed to both Anna and Lucy one by one. He took out two matching rings along with three bands and was seen saying that this will symbol the three of them.

He held Anna’s hand and slid the ring her hand while saying that she means the world to him and he wants to show his commitment to her. Thereafter, he turned to Lucy and said the same things to her as well. Then he was saying to both of them, that he loves them both and want to spend the rest of his life with them and he is prepared to do whatever it takes to put a smile on their faces. The twins were seen getting extremely emotional and they said in a sign sang tone, that they love him too. They further stated that they are the world’s luckiest and blessed twin in the world. The trio is planning to marry overseas, as the Marriage Act 1961 of Austalia, does not allow Polygamy.


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