The magic formula for getting great Arabic translations

Arabic translation services are a huge business and Arabic translations are vital for almost every industry. No matter what business or company you have, or what kind of work you do, you will find new doors open for you once you start getting proper translations – this is because Arabic translations open up the possibility to approach new markets, find new customers, and collaborate with new investors, companies, and employees. This is essential in the modern digital era, where contact with people who speak different languages is so easy and is considered a common part of life.

But how do you make sure you get great Arabic translations? There are some simple things to think about to help make sure that you get great, accurate translations that will help bring your business to the next level.

Think about audience

The first thing you need to consider when looking for an Arabic translator is to think about what kind of translation you need to be done, and who the audience is.

What type of Arabic?

There are over 30 types of modern Arabic. The primary language or dialect might be different based on the region you want your content to be translated for, and this needs to be considered – you may never find that you need content to be translated into multiple different varieties of Arabic to make sure that your message reaches everyone who you want it to reach. Once you have determined which language or versions you need your content translated into, you can start to find translators who know the right language.

Native-tongue translation for Arabic

Once you know exactly which languages you need, you may want to find any translator who speaks that language, but this is a bad way to approach it. Part of the secret to really great translations is to find a native tongue translator. This means getting the translation done by someone who natively speaks the target language for your translations. They should also be fluent in the current language that your content or documents are written in. Why is this so important? Only native speakers will really have proper mastery over their language. It is very common for even skilled non-native speakers to translate something with pretty good accuracy, but completely miss the flow and nuance of the language. This can lead to having really awkward, stilted translations that can be very off putting to your target audience. For example, most native English speakers might say ‘shirt and tie’, whereas a non-native translator might say ‘tie and shirt’. It’s not technically wrong, but it feels wrong to native speakers and can lead to people not really engaging with your marketing material, social media posts, documents, or content.

What type of document?

Once you have found someone who speaks your target language perfectly, the next thing to consider is what kind of translation you need. If you think all translations are roughly the same, you would be very much mistaken. In fact, there are many specialist fields within translation services. Why is this?

Specialist terminology

If you work in a highly technical field or need a technical document translated, this can mean there are a lot of specialist terminologies to translate. For example, in the medical field, there will be terms related to biology, medication, and a lot of Latin terms for body parts and medical conditions. In a technical engineering field, your Arabic translations will have to properly include technical details and specialist terms. The legal field faces similar problems with a lot of special terms and a huge emphasis on the right way of ordering words and arguments. For these, you need a specialist with experience in the right field, not only to help with the terminology but to make sure that the finished products are laid out and entered into forms properly.

Flow and pizzaz

If, on the other hand, you need marketing materials, you will want to find an Arabic translator with experience in marketing. Loads of marketing plans have been ruined by a bad translation which misses the mark and puts customers off. A native-speaking expert in marketing translations can help make sure that your translated marketing documents appeal to customers and work well within the culture they are aimed at. This can be any marketing materials, from emails to flyers to adverts.

What is the magic formula?

This might seem like a lot to consider, but considering your needs and researching the best translators for you will help make sure you have the best outcome. However, there is one shortcut. Many agencies and professional Arabic translation services will have a range of translators working with them, and they can help you find the best translator without you having to do so much legwork or research. Finding the best translator for your needs is the best way to ensure you get great translations.


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