Takshshila Maha Episode Ashoka Samrat 27th December 2015 Video Written Updates

Takshshila Maha Episode Ashoka Samrat 27th December 2015 Video Written Updates

In today’s episode of Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat, Ashoka and Kaurvi are hiding themselves from the soldiers of Kichak. Kichak wants to kill Ashoka because he throws stone towards his soldiers during during meeting. Ashoka and Kaurvi flee to safety once again. He tells Kaurvi that now they are equal. We both helped each other once. They bicker over which direction to go in now. She heads left. He goes in the right direction.

Takshshila Maha Episode Ashoka Samrat 27th December 2015 Video Written Updates

Ashoka Samrat 27th December 2015 Episode

Kaurvi mutters to herself. You always help people by getting emotional. Let him go in that direction. He will think of me when he lands in some problem. She encounters soldiers. Ashoka was right. I should have taken right. She looks tensed at the soldiers surrounding her from all the sides. Ashoka hits them using a slingshot. Kaurvi says some good people do turn up to help other good people. Ashoka pulls her aside in time before more soldiers find her. They go ahead. Ashoka brings Kaurvi to another safe corner. The soldiers leave from that area. Ashoka lets go of Kaurvi’s hand. They are about to go when they find a family standing there.

The soldiers tell their commander about the girl helping the boy in escaping. Commander asks them to find them asap. They might be hiding in a house here. Look for them.

The man asks Kaurvi and Ashoka why they are hiding themselves from the soldiers. Tell me who you are and please leave. Kichak will kill all of us because of you otherwise.

Bindu says Radha Gupta went long ago. There has been no news so far. I feel the condition of Takshshila is worsening day by day. It will be wrong to wait. We should send Sushim soon. Mahamatya talks against it. It is a big place and too far from here. We have lost Ashoka already. We should take all the precautions, time and then do something. Radha Gupta is Chanakya’s disciple. He will certainly return with some info to us. Let us wait for more time. That info will help us in planning a strategy to attack on Takshshila and to keep Sushim safe. I will try my best to connect to Radha Gupta. Bindu agrees. Mahamatya leaves. Bindu apologizes to Ashoka. You would have been alive today had I planned something similar before sending you there. He misses Ashoka. Your father failed in protecting you.

Kaurvi says there can be only two people in a place like Takshshila. One, those who do injustice; and two, who bear those injustices! The man points out that they both don’t look from here. You don’t bear injustice too. Are you the one who threw the stone today? Ashoka agrees. It was I. I was only trying to save an innocent man. If she was not with me then I would not have let you come in any problem. I don’t want her to fall in any problem because of me. There is a knock on the door. The family gets scared. It must be the soldiers. They are about to break open the door when the guy opens the door. The soldiers check the house thoroughly. Ashoka and Kaurvi are hiding in the storeroom. The soldiers don’t find them inside. Commander looks suspiciously at the man as he breathes a sigh of relief. They turn to go but the commander finds something wrong. He comes back inside. What work do you do? The guy says I am a milkman. Inside, Ashoka looks at Kaurvi. The guy offers milk to the commander. He sends their son outside. The commander asks the couple to say something good about Mahanayak Kichak. The commander is convinced by their words. Mahanayak’s speciality is nothing can be hidden from him, neither rebels nor cheating. Kaurvi’s bangle makes some noise. The commander gets distracted from a second. He next hints the couple not to shelter the rebels. We hate traitors equally. The guy speaks in a similar manner. The commander agrees to remember him and his welcome. He finally leaves. Ashoka covers Kaurvi’s mouth as she was about to sneeze.

The lady feels the soldiers will return. Ashoka and Kaurvi thank them for saving them. We apologize to you for causing trouble for you. We shall leave now. The couple requests them to eat something before leaving. Ashoka and Kaurvi agree.

Siamak explains to his father about poor, medium and high class people. Bindu is impressed by his research. You are so young. Siamak says age is no bar for knowledge. If that was the case then Chandragupta Maurya had not won. Ma wanted you to realise the same thing. She chose a wrong path though. I will never disappoint you. Bindu has full faith in him for the same. I know you will never take a wrong path. You are my son, a Maurya-vanshi. I am sure you will never cheat Magadh. He hugs Siamak. Sushim thinks Ashoka just got out of their way. Now I will have to get Siamak out of my way!

The kid (Som) is enjoying horse ride on his father’s back. Kaurvi happily looks on. She gets emotional seeing their bond. Ashoka observes her. That day isn’t far when Kichak’s tortures will end. People will freely roam around with their head held high then. Kaurvi adds that that day wont come till Samrat Bindusar will rule on Magadh! Ashoka is taken aback. He tries to explain that she might be justified in her anger but maybe he isn’t directly responsible for it. Why do you hate Samrat Bindusar so much? She replies that she hates not just Samrat Bindu but every person who is related to him in any way. You would have understood my point if you were in my place. Ashoka wonders what happened with Kaurvi that she hates his father so much.

Som is hungry. The couple gives him some drink after drinking which one gets energy and feels no hunger. The couple sadly looks at their son.

Amatya and the monk come to the Takshshila Vishwavidyala in Takshshila. Kichak has got it closed as he fears people will understand the difference of right and wrong if they get educated. The monk speaks against Kichak. Such a ruler is the biggest enemy of the citizens. Amatya had come here to find a way to meet Kichak. Without meeting him, I cannot tell him that it was I who sent that letter to him and not Sushim. The monk asks him what he is thinking. Amatya decides to make sure he makes Kichak meet him anyhow if he cannot reach him.

Next morning, Ashoka gets up. He notices Kaurvi feeling discomfort in sleeping as the sunlight falls on her. He smiles. He removes the cloth tied around his wound. He hangs it on the rope before the window. She sleeps peacefully. He goes outside.

Ashoka notices the man looking at the gold coin. Som says I got it as it fell from this Bhaiya’s bag while he slept. The man asks Ashoka if this is his. Ashoka nods. The man points out at the royal stamp on it. How did you get it? Ashoka shares that he is Magadh’s prince Ashoka! The couple look at him in surprise.

Kaurvi wakes up too. She wonders where Ashoka went. He dint even wake me up.

The couple kneels down before Ashoka. Ashoka makes them get up. He looks at Som. Your place is in my heart. Your bavery and unison is our strength and hope to spread peace in Takshshila. The man says everyone thinks you died on the ship. Kaurvi is still on her way till outside. Ashoka tells the couple that he got lucky to have help from the other ship. It was important for my mission’s success to keep my identity hidden. The man assures him no one will get to know of this. Som calls out for Kaurvaki Didi. Everyone goes quiet. Ashoka and the man talk about how to meet Kichak. Ashoka gets to know that the previous ruler of Takshshila (Sudama) stays in some old ruins. Kaurvaki is irked as no one cared about any other state than Patliputra. Ashoka thinks to do something before his father’s name is maligned between the citizens.

A few ladies tell everyone in the palace about Narayan’s Narsimha Avatar. Bindu asks Drupad what he understood from the story. Drupad says God punishes bad people. Bindu is happy. He pays the ladies who had come to say the story. They leave. Dharma suggests inviting such ladies every day to the palace so their kids can get good lessons in life. We can end their problem by giving money to them. Charu says your suggestion is good but the treasury has other responsibilities too at the moment. Dharma nods. I have decided to give up my ornaments for the same so I can help them. Bindu leaves the responsibility on her to organise such meetings. You should rest now. I will drop you to your room. Charu is irked. She has become another problem for us after we got her son out of our way.

Kaurvaki thanks the couple for allowing them to stay there. Som hugs her. Som quietly whispers to Ashoka that he heard everything. I am sure you will bring food for me. Ashoka agrees. You have to hide it from everyone. Som agrees. I will also share my secret with you. I know the truth behind that water that my parents give me. I drink it to keep them happy. Ashoka agrees to keep it a secret. They leave.

Outside, Ashoka tells Kaurvaki that that will go to Takshshila Vishwavidyala now.

Amatya asks the teachers from where they will get stones to make statues. The monk (Anand) is confused. Amatya tells him to wait. You will know when it is time. Anand agrees to help him any way he can.

Ashoka and Kaurvaki look at Takshshila Vishwavidyala. He asks Kaurvaki to go inside as it is her destination. She suggests him to seek Bhanta Buddheshwar’s help. Ashoka remarks that he does not look like he says he is. She says a similar thing about him too. We start getting attached to people even after knowing this. I feel his life is somehow attached to ours. Life was not given to us to only live for ourselves. The end decision is yours. Only he can help you now though. It will be a help for you to reach your goal. She goes inside. Ashoka thinks she is right. I will need a place to stay till I find Sudama.

Kichak is angry at his commander and soldiers for being a failure. You could not find a kid! What will the people think? They wont fear me if you will continue doing so. His sister tells him not to be angry. We must think through. She orders the soldiers to find that kid. The commander leaves yet again with a few soldiers. Kichak is awaiting a message from Patliputra. Ashoka died so many days ago. This isn’t a good sign. I have to know what they are thinking.

Amatya tells Ashoka it is difficult for him to believe it that he is an ordinary kid after what he did. Ashoka says ordinary people also do big things when the situation becomes unbearable for them. Amatya thinks to use Ashoka to accomplish his mission. I am impressed by your thoughts. I want you to help me in spreading peace here. Ashoka agrees to help him any way he can. Amatya asks him to go to the old palace. Ashoka nods. We are hungry. Amatya gives him food. Ashoka and Kaurvaki go aside to eat it. Amatya thinks it will be good if Ashoka succeeds in reaching the old palace. If he is caught then I can get a chance to meet Kichak as a Bhante!

Precap: Ashoka drops food in shock as he finds Som dead. He vows not to spare whoever has done this to the family! He angrily walks towards the commander, who has his back to him!

Source : Tellyupdates.com

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