Indiana State Police

Indiana State Police: Body of Unidentified Young Boy Found in Indiana Woods Case Details!

The dead body of a black boy has been found in a wooded area of Indiana. The deceased boy is being expressed to be age between 5 years and 8 years. The police are asking for the help of the people so that they may get to know about the deceased boy and more. The identification of the boy may get a new lead in this case that may also help the Indiana Police Department to find out the killer of the discussed boy.

Indiana State Police

As per the police given information, the seems that the child was killed in the last week. The question arises, whether the dead body was there for the last week or someone cast the dead body in the wooded area lately. This case has sought the attention of the people and the police. So far, the case has been reported and introduced by a number of news networks, including TV broadcasting, radio broadcasting and some internet websites.

Indiana State Police

The police have described the bead body to be of a black child that must be aged between 5 years and 8 years. The height of the child is 4-feet tall. The boy has short hair. It was around 07:030 PM on Saturday, 16th April 2022 when the police got the information from some mushroom hunters related to a dead body in the Indiana wooded area. The mushroom hunters noticed the dead body of a child who was found lying on the ground in wooded land. The police reported that the dead body was in a heavily wooded area at a short distance off a roadway.

Police had informed a number of people including a number of police stations about the child so that they may help the Indiana Police Department get to know the real identity of the concerned child. The dead body was found in a Weeded area in Indiana, Washington County, the United States. So that the Indiana Police Department may come across the identity of the discussed child, the police department had organized a press conference on Sunday, 17th April 2022 therein they introduced this case to the media personalities and the public.

It is expected that the family of the concerned boy will recognize their child and reach the police to collect the bead body of the child before it’s too late. May God give the soul of the discussed child a place in heaven to rest in peace.


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