Who is Keshia Golden

Who Is Calvin Sidney? Why Did She Kill Her BF Pregnant Austin Woman Killed Unborn Child’s Dad Explained!

A few days ago you might have heard about a stabbing case in which a woman killed her partner. Today, we have come up with an update in that case. The woman who fatally stabbed her boyfriend or partner is identified as Keshia Golden while her boyfriend was known as Calvin Sydney. The update in this case is that Keshia Golden has been charged with the first-degree murder for fatally stabbing her partner with a knife. But do you know why did Keshia Golden kill him? What was the bone of contention? There are a number of aspect that you should know if you are following this story. In the further section we have explained what actually happened before the stabbing incident. Kindly stick with this page and keep reading this article for more details. Scroll down the page.

Who is Keshia Golden

According to the report, Keshia Golden is pregnant with her boyfriend Calvin Sydney’s child. Calvin Sydney was the father of Keshia’s unborn child. He was 30 years old man who perished after being fatally stabbed by Keshia. The prosecutors stated that the Keshia stabbed her boyfriend last week after the baby shower. Drag down the page and read further details.

Who Is Calvin Sidney?

Prosecutors further said that it was not the first time when they were involved in an altercation. Reportedly, Calvin Sidney was violent with his girlfriend. Police also claimed that they got domestic violence complaint at least five times between June and September. Keshia’s mother said Sidney beat her severely. He chocked, punched, pushed and slapped her numerous times.

According to the reports, Sidney, Golden, and other family members went to baby shower last week on Saturday evening. And they returned to their home in the 5100 block of West Augusta. Furthermore, around 3 am on Sunday morning Sidney started beating his girlfriend Keshia. The altercation took place over who would get to use the microwave to reheat the leftovers.

Allegedly Sidney pushed Keshia down on the counter and slammed her with a dish. Thus, Keshia’s uncle pulled her from Sidney. Then Sidney went to his bedroom. Later Keshia entered the room while holding a knife in her hand and stabbed Sidney in his leg and left the house. Later Sidney died in Mount Sinai Hospital despite medical efforts. According to the source, Keshia Golden is 8 months pregnant. She is ordered to detain in the jail.


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