The Benefits of a Seller Home Warranty

The Benefits of a Seller Home Warranty

Home warranties are typically purchased by home buyers, but sellers can also take advantage of these contracts to protect major appliances and systems that might break down while their house is on the market; then at closing they transfer ownership.

The Benefits of a Seller Home Warranty

Sellers can often obtain warranties at reduced or no costs, which can help attract potential buyers while speeding up the closing process. Cinch provides sellers home warranty options are now available for all who want it.

Peace of Mind for the Seller

Home warranties may seem like they’re only meant for buyers, but sellers need them too! A major appliance or system failure during a house’s market listing could cost both parties lots of money in repairs. Furthermore, this could stall a sale by creating an impasse between buyer and seller that may prevent completion.

An affordable and stress-reducing seller home warranty plan can make the sales process simpler. Home warranty providers typically offer policies at minimal or no upfront cost to sellers; once transferred at closing, these costs typically transfer directly onto buyers without additional out-of-pocket expenses (except service call fees).

Offering warranties can be an attractive solution for sellers who are already overwhelmed with moving, packing, and closing on a home sale. By offering warranties to buyers they can more confidently negotiate repairs in their home inspection report without fear of unexpected expenses jeopardizing deals.

An Incentive for Buyers

Home warranties offer peace of mind and convenience to sellers alike; some providers even provide them with the opportunity to purchase one year-long policy at a discounted price during the selling process and transfer it directly to buyers at closing – without incurring additional costs for themselves!

First-time buyers often view home warranties as an invaluable way of alleviating their fears associated with homeownership. By providing financial security during homeownership, home warranties help ease nerves and increase chances of making offers on houses they might otherwise pass up.

In an increasingly competitive real estate market, incentives can be key in drawing prospective buyers through the door. From luxury patio sets and stainless steelappliances to seller home warranties – sellers have many tools at their disposal that they can use to entice prospective buyers.

Added Value to the Home

Home warranties provide sellers with protection both before and after they put their home on the market, shielding them from unexpected repair costs that might arise as a result of listing their house for sale. In addition, a home warranty company’s network of pre-vetted contractors can handle any necessary repairs during and after sale completion.

Home buyers have the option of purchasing their own warranty if desired, but having one provided by the seller makes their home more desirable and allows them to waive additional contingencies during escrow, such as home inspection contingencies.

Most providers provide seller’s policies at no additional cost to sellers; instead, it will simply be deducted from their total proceeds at closing. Furthermore, many offer to cover new homeowners for one full year after closing – an attractive proposition for homebuyers!

Added Value to the Sale

Home warranties can help expedite and alleviate stress during the selling process for both parties involved. Sellers typically purchase home warranties for buyers as part of the sales contract or as an added incentive at closing, often covering service call fees for at least a year’s duration.

Addictive benefits can make your listing stand out from the crowd and ensure the highest return on your investment.

Most warranty providers offer seller policies that are fully transferrable to the new homeowners at closing, with costs being taken from proceeds received from sellers at that point. Your real estate agent can recommend an appropriate home warranty provider. Get in touch with your account executive today to learn more about these plans or request an open house kit!


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