Couple Dies, Four Sustain Injuries

Tiruppur: Couple Dies, Four Sustain Injuries in Car Accident Near Kangeyam

Couple dies, four sustain injuries in car accident near Kangeyam in Tiruppur. A tragic accident occurred near Kangeyam in Tiruppur district, claiming the lives of a couple from Veerappanchathiram in Erode district. They were returning from Palani in their car on Tuesday. Madhankumar (36), the driver, lost his life at the accident scene, while his wife, Ramya (32), passed away while being transported to the hospital. According to eyewitnesses and police sources, the car went out of control, resulting in a crash by the roadside. The couple’s two children and Ramya’s parents, Paramasivan (64) and Rajamani (51), who were also in the car, received first aid at Kangeyam Government Hospital before being transferred to a private hospital in Erode.

Couple Dies, Four Sustain Injuries

A case has been officially filed by the Kangeyam police. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has released its annual report titled ‘Road Accidents in India — 2021.’ This report offers insights into various aspects of road accidents in the country throughout the calendar year 2021. The data in the report has been gathered from police departments of States/Union Territories in standardized formats provided by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) under the Asia Pacific Road Accident Data (APRAD) project. It encompasses ten sections and provides information on road accidents concerning road length and vehicular population.

Couple Dies, Four Sustain Injuries

According to the report, there were 412,432 road accidents in 2021, resulting in 153,972 fatalities and 384,448 injuries. In 2020, there was a significant reduction in accidents, fatalities, and injuries due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting nationwide lockdown. However, in 2021, the road accident indicators performed better compared to 2019, with an 8.1 percent decrease in accidents and a 14.8 percent decrease in injuries. Unfortunately, fatalities increased by 1.9 percent in 2021 compared to the same period in 2019.

India is determined to reduce road accident fatalities, recognizing that road accidents have multiple causes that require a multifaceted approach. This involves collaborative efforts from both the Central Government and State Governments, along with various organizations and stakeholders. They have devised a comprehensive strategy focusing on Education, Engineering (both road and vehicle), Enforcement, and Emergency Care to address road safety concerns.


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