Wayne Johnson

Who is Wayne Johnson? Washington Man Arrested For Trying To Kill his Dog in Desert

Recently, the authorities have arrested a man named Wayne Johnson for trying to kill his dog in the desert. He is a retired farmer from Spokane, Washington, and a 76-year-old man. He has been arrested for attempting to kill his dog and this news is rapidly circulating on the top of the internet and social media. The cases of cruelty against animals are increasing day by day and it is a punishable crime. Lots of people and netizens are showing thier interest in knowing more about this incident, so we made an article and shared all the details related to him and this incident.

Wayne Johnson

According to the exclusive reports, a 76-year-old man from Spokane, Washington, United States was booked in prison for trying to kill his dog, Kea. He was trying to kill his dog in a desert and he claimed that he wanted to euthanize her because she was old and sick. It is also shared that the dog had been living with family over the past 10 years and enjoyed hiking in the desert near Laughlin, Nevada. He and his wife often stayed at a model and spent most of thier time there. Swipe up this article and continue your reading to know more.

Who is Wayne Johnson?

The accused said that his dog was too old and sick to live. Kea’s life is full of difficulties and he wanted to free the dog from her pains. So, he decided in March 2023 to kill her and wanted to put her out of her misery. He also stated that she had cancer and was urinating blood. He decided to kill her without a gun, so he brought a hammer and a knife and took the dog on one last hike on thier favorite trail. On the incident scene, he hit her with the hammer on the head, hoping to knock out her there.

This whole incident took place on 18 March 2023 on the ground near Nevada Telephone Cove and Red Hill Road where he left the dog bleeding. He told police that “he thought he completed his work and left”. But the dog was not dead and still alive. She was badly wounded and found her around 11:40 a.m. and informed the police. Later, the authorities found the owner of the dog and arrested him and this incident gained a lot of attention on the internet over the past few days. It can be said as an emotional story but it is a crime and the investigation continues. We will update our article soon.


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