Who Was Mo Wilson

Who Was Mo Wilson? Kaitlin Armstrong Gound Guilty in Murder of Professional Cyclist

Good Day Readers, Today a news has come stating that Kaitlin Armstrong was declared guilty by a jury within a mere two hours of the Mo Wilson murder case trial. Stay with this article to find out more about this news. After a trial in an Austin court on Thursday, November 16, Kaitlin Armstrong was found guilty of the murder of Moriah ‘Mo’ Wilson. The jury swiftly delivered their verdict, taking only a few hours. Armstrong now potentially faces a sentence of up to 99 years in prison. Evidence presented in reports suggests that significant proof was put forth against 35-year-old Kaitlin Armstrong. Reportedly, she is accused of stalking her ex-boyfriend, Colin Strickland, and Moriah Wilson while they were having a meal on May 11, 2022. After Colin Strickland dropped off his girlfriend, Moriah Wilson, at her friend’s house, he observed Kaitlin Armstrong arriving at the scene in her SUV.

Who Was Mo Wilson

Upon the announcement of the verdict, Armstrong maintained a forward gaze. News reported, “Friends and family of Mo Wilson are shedding tears of joy quietly as they hear the news read out loud. The Wilson family shares huge hugs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson embrace.” In his closing arguments, state prosecutor Rickey Jones stated, “The last act of Moriah Wilson on May 11, 2022, at 9:15 pm was a scream of terror.” On that tragic night, multiple surveillance cameras in the neighborhood recorded Armstrong’s black Jeep. Both her car’s GPS and phone GPS confirmed Armstrong’s presence at the crime scene. In court, Jones remarked, “I’ve never witnessed such an abundance of evidence against one person.”

Who Was Mo Wilson?

Post the incident, Armstrong made an attempt to elude authorities. Jones explained, “Subsequently, she (Armstrong) escapes to Costa Rica, undergoes plastic surgery, and begins teaching yoga on the beach, all while the Wilsons are left grappling with the aftermath.” On that tragic night, multiple surveillance cameras in the neighborhood recorded Armstrong’s black Jeep. Both her car’s GPS and phone GPS confirmed Armstrong’s presence at the crime scene. In court, Jones remarked, “I’ve never witnessed such an abundance of evidence against one person.” Post the incident, Armstrong made an attempt to elude authorities. Jones explained, “Subsequently, she (Armstrong) escapes to Costa Rica, undergoes plastic surgery, and begins teaching yoga on the beach, all while the Wilsons are left grappling with the aftermath.” The perpetrator was eventually captured, and Jones stressed in court, “She’s evading not just the law but each of you… because you represent a jury of her peers.

Everyone deserves their fair trial, and she had hers,” gesturing towards the jury members. Defense Attorney Rick Cofer criticized Strickland, labeling him as deceitful and a womanizer. Addressing the jury, he stated, “Mo Wilson wasn’t the initial woman in Colin’s life. They needed to depict her as a jealous psycho to establish a motive.” Contesting the prosecution’s approach, Armstrong’s lawyer told the jury, “The reality is that the APD (Austin Police Department) deliberately kept any evidence pointing away from Kaitlin Armstrong. They intentionally avoided presenting any evidence inconsistent with their case,” highlighting authorities’ failure to explore alternative murder angles.


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