
Why Most Casinos Are Going Online?

In the past decade, more and more land-based casinos started to migrate towards the online environment and the reasons behind this move are pretty complex and will be reviewed in detail in the following sections. At a first glance, there should be no reason why a casino wouldn’t want to go online since we’re in the information era and everything goes on the internet. You should be aware, though, that there are also some counter-arguments for a casino to go online rather than keeping its land-based status.

Improved Tracking Capability

One of the best aspects of the online casino compared to the land-based one is that you can easily keep track of your players’ behaviour and general stats of the casino. You can have a good overview of log-in details, time spent in different areas of the casino.


Furthermore, you can extract very accurate reports of financial transactions, loyalty points or bonuses issued. Maybe the most important aspect of having an online operation is that you have access to real-time data regarding the games played, how much wagering was made and how much profit each game made.

A land-based casino can’t compete with such a huge stream of information. Indeed, they have an overview of what’s happening and how much the games are making, however, it is usually not real-time and limited.

Tailor-Made Promotions

It is the very detailed information that online casinos have access to that makes it possible to segment your players using many different criteria. Segmenting your player database means that you will be able to attack them with custom-made promotions designed for each and every category.

Going Online Is Not All Milk And Honey

It’s obvious that going online also presents some disadvantages, not only good parts. One of those downsides is that there are a lot of other online casinos out there and that makes it very easy for players to go and play at the competition. In a land-based casino, if you have a pool of returning customers, you can be pretty sure that they will remain loyal. Since land based casinos are usually some distance apart and that is an essential factor why a player would just prefer to stay with you.

In the online world, players can leave just because they saw a better bonus somewhere else or simply because another brand has a better advertising strategy. Take the online casino Casumo, for example.

Game Diversification

Another major plus for the online casinos is the massive amount of slots and games they can make available to their players with a relatively small effort. If you look to increase the game offer in a land-based casino, you have to figure out issues like space, logistics and much more. In the online casino industry, it’s as easy as signing an agreement and having your programmers work for a few hours on integrating the new games. And there you have it, a brand new software provider added to your gallery with a lot of slot games with free bonus available as well.

Closing Words

The conclusion is that the differences between offline and online casinos are significant and the migration between the two environments needs to be done with great care and a very good strategy. You’ll want to keep all of your big customers and that’s a very challenging task, especially for older people that don’t really mix well with computers and technology.


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