A Book “End of Days” Claimed Coronavirus Outbreak 12 Years Ago!

Since the first case of Coronavirus the media, people, and even the whole world are talking about it. The epidemic is taking a lot of lives and costing a lot to the economy of the world. A lot of rumors are claiming various theories about the Coronavirus outbreak. We aren’t expecting to see anything good in few upcoming days as the virus is spreading throughout the community and crashing down the share market too.

A Book “End of Days” Claimed Coronavirus Outbreak

So far we have reported that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has killed at least 4,639 and infected 126,344 globally. In India, the numbers are increasing dramatically even though the Prime Minister has announced the Sunday #JanataCurfew to save it from spreading through the community. A lot of people are afraid of this virus and that’s the thing you shouldn’t do. Yes! The virus can be stopped at this stage if we keep maintaining social distancing.

As we all know that the virus has started spreading from the Wuhan meat market. Reports are also suggesting that the studies are saying that it started from “Bat” and then via second source it ended up in Humans. You must know that few people are claiming that it is a bio-weapon made by China.

Dean Koontz’s book “The Eyes of Darkness” which was published back on 10th May 1981 has a page which has already mentioned a virus called “Wuhan-400”. As the page quotes, “They call the stuff ‘Wuhan-400”. Well, this isn’t the only claim which people are making and reports are suggesting that so many theories are coming out.

Kim Kardashian shared a photo from a book called “End Of Days: Prediction and Prophecies About the End of the World” has claimed, “In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely,”.

Also, it reads, “Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it has arrived, attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely”. You must know that the book is written by Slyvia Browne and she is dead now. As per the sources, she has died in 2013 and had a great career too.

In the end, you must know that this epidemic has caused a lot to the world. We aren’t expecting anything great in the upcoming days. You must know that Coronavirus cases are increasing day by day. You must know that these rumors are only mare confidences and they don’t affect any reality.


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