Apple announces its new launch, 5G smartphone

Next generation wireless carriers and hardware manufacturers are now up to 5G connectivity which will provide faster downloading speed till date. 5G smartphones are going to take over the market in coming years. There are many smartphone companies that are confirming to launch their 5G ready handset. Apart from all the smartphone brands, one of the most awaited 5G phone is of Apple, which previously announced to launch their 5G phone next but according to recent reports Apple is now going to launch their 5G phone in 2020.

Last year, Apple also got approval from the FCC (Fast Company Cites) to experiment with 5G technology to make a working 5G connectivity phone. According to the reports of Fast Company Cites, Apple is planning to launch its 5G technology phones in 2020 and the company is going to use Intel’s 8161 5G modem chip, there are still some issues related to heat dissipation issues which need to be resolved and in case of any problem the Apple will go for Plan B for which they are talking with MediaTek for the importing of the chips. MediaTek is another chip maker which basically develops modem platforms but not for flagship smartphones but instead of lower price device.

Intel is going to fabricate the modem chip with its 10 nanometer process which will increase the speed as well as work efficiency. Intel is going to be sole provider of iPhone modems if everything goes according to the plan.

Apple started to work with Intel to supply modems for the iPhones but later was not happy with the Intel as they were not able to resolve the challenge of heat dissipation which is caused by 8060 modem chip because of which it caused delay in its 5g phones launch.


Apparently Apple decided to work with its current partner Intel to create an iPhone worthy modem which supports 5G. For this Apple is giving more time to Intel to resolve the issue of heat dissipation.

On the other hand, other smartphone brands which are supported by Qualcomm’s 5G chips such as Oppo, Huawei, Xiaomi etc. are also going to launch their 5G phones next year in February, 2019 at the Mobile World Congress. While Apple is dealing with heat issues, Qualcomm on the other hand solved all such issues. Carrier AT&T is also pressuring to launch 5G smartphones in the market next year.

Apple is taking a safe timeline by releasing 5G iPhones in 2020; by that time Apple will have perfect opportunity to refine their 5G iPhone model.


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