Asaram Bapu again stocked AIIMS Nurse by comparing her to Kashmiri Apple & butter

The godman Asaram Bapu is not in a mood to let people reconstruct his old image. Asaram is accused of raping a 16-year-old girl, and a case is active against him and despite this, he has done a thing that will amaze you.


Well, we all know that Asaram is currently admit at AIMS for few checks and meanwhile, during medical attention, Aasharam has again stocked a girl by comparing her to Kashmiri Apple and butter.

It is believed that one of the nurses of AIMS brought the bread and butter for Aasharam before his test. When a good looking nurse came there, Asharam teased her by telling her ” why you brought the butter with bread as there is no need for bread as you are soft as butter. You might belong from Kashmir as your cheeks look like Kashmiri Apple.”

It is not the first time when Aasharam has made such comments on women. Earlier, the formed Indian Godman commented some unsocial comment on the victim of 2012 Delhi famous gang rape “should have taken God’s name and could have held the hand of one of the men and said ‘I consider you as my brother.”

On August 29, 2016, the supreme court allowed Aasharam to go for the medical test at AIMS as the team o doctor at Jodhpur jail, informed the supreme court that there is the lack of medical facility at the Jodhpur jail to assist the condition of Asharam.

Meanwhile, it will be interesting to see, how this comment of Asharam will effect his ongoing case in which he is accused of raping a 16-year-old girl at his ashram between 1997 and 2006.


7 responses to “Asaram Bapu again stocked AIIMS Nurse by comparing her to Kashmiri Apple & butter”

  1. Munna Avatar

    What a bogus news?Looks to collect money for your ads.Presstitudes are always at their own side w/o side effects.


    TOTAL basless and unfounded news by Indian media
    whose only aim is to defame Asaram bapu ( obviously for some
    consideration) in order to create a negative environment for his bail to
    be rejected. Both AIIMS and Ashram spokesperson have issued
    notification in writing that neither Asaram bapu had asked for nor any
    nurse had served any braekfast of butter and bread.

    totally concocted news. Media losing its credibility day by day

  3. shekhargadewar Avatar

    Seems another TRP oriented publicity stunt by media!

    As per Hospital officials, there was no nurse in the service!

  4. Dharmendra Singh Avatar
    Dharmendra Singh

    well well well …story tell itself got huge money from either missionaries or who are targeting Hinduism thts why such baseless allegations and fake story are being created by these sold media houses.
    go n confirm from AIIMS that no nurse has made such complain and main thing is that no women were present at that time in that hall ..maximum were policeman rest were ashramrites who arrenged the food from one sadhak house.

  5. Apatkalin Sewa Avatar
    Apatkalin Sewa

    Completely Bogus and baseless news.Another media stunt for TRP.

  6. mohit tomar Avatar
    mohit tomar

    Yet another Paid News by #NewsTraders just before bail hearing of Asaram BapuJi in Supreme court.

  7. harish bharti Avatar
    harish bharti

    I do not who pays media for such baseless news! I did investigate and
    there is absolutely no truth in this. It is time to punish such media by
    filing case against them immidiately

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