Chennai School Teacher Suspended For Sexual Harassment Complaint Check Images Wiki & Bio

Chennai School Teacher Suspended For Sexual Harassment Complaint Check Images Wiki & Bio

Due to the Wuhuan Virus Pandemic, the government organized the concept of online classes in the country in order to secure the future of the students. However, online classes have now become a big concern, after a sexual harassment incident was reported in PSBB Senior Secondary School, KK Nagar, Chennai on 24th May 2021. As per the reports, an online discussion forum was organized by the school administration, the purpose of which was to know whether the students are facing any issue or problem regarding the online classes and other stuff.

Chennai School Teacher Suspended For Sexual Harassment Complaint Check Images Wiki & Bio

Thereafter, many students from the school started sharing their experience regarding the online classes, and as the discussion got heated, many students revealed the wrongdoing of a teacher. The screenshot of the discussion was shared by the Alumni of the school, M Kripali over his Instagram account. A student from the PSBB school accused a teacher of wearing only a towel during the online class session and in order to prove her point, she also attached a screenshot of the same.

While referring to the same teacher, another girl alleged that the teacher asked her out to watch a movie with him. When the issue surfaced on the internet and other social media platform, including, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, the school authority assured an inquiry on the same and thereafter the teacher was suspended. In a statement given by the school Education minister, Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi said that the board has been conducting inquire on the teacher and scrutinizing the matter seriously and if the mentor is found guilty, strict action will be taken against him.

The inquiry was conducted on the same day and later, the principal of the PSBB Sr. Sec. School, Geetha Govindarajan issued an order. In the order, it was stated that some extremely severe accusations of misbehaviour have been reported against the teacher and the same has been reached to the higher management from social media. The inquiry on the same will be conducted without any bias and for the time being, the teacher has been suspended and the suspension takes instant effect.

In a statement given by the principal, she also stated that they came to know about the matter on 23rd May 2021, that is, on Sunday and also said that a committee has been formed who will look into this matter and will not spare the teacher if found guilty. The issue was serious as it was related to sexual harassment and therefore, the District Chief Educational officer of Chennai, A Anitha also visited the school on 24th May 2021 and inquired about the same from the school authority. He stated that he has asked the management of the school to give a detailed report on the same and also said that they are waiting for the report from the school authority.


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