
Delhi 6 Day lockdown 19th-26th April 2021 Guidelines Exempted Services Or Peoples

We guess that you all are aware of the fact that right now, the cases of the Wuhan Virus pandemic has been increasing at a very fast rate in India and especially in the metropolitans cities, Delhi and Mumbai. If we look at the latest report of Delhi, then on 18th April 2021, that is, on Sunday, the state recorded more than 25,460 cases of the aforesaid pandemic. There has been a drastic increase in the number of cases from the past month by 29.75%, which simply states that every third person in the capital of India, will test positive for the above-mentioned pandemic.

Delhi lockdown from tonight

Previously, last week the government of Delhi imposed a weekend curfew in Delhi from 10:00 PM on 16th April 2021 till 6:00 AM on 19th April 2021, but looking at the current scenario, and after a lot of discussion in the meeting between respected CM Arvind Kejriwal and LG Anil Baijal, the government has finally come up to the decision of lockdown. Thus, keeping in mind the safety of the people of Delhi, CM Arvind Kejriwal has announced lockdown with effect from 10:00 PM, today, that is, on 19th April 2021 to 26th April 2021, till 5:00 AM. Hence, it will 6-day complete lockdown.

List of people and services that are exempted from the 6-day lockdown

In this section, we are going to tell you all what will remain open in Delhi during this lockdown period.

  • Just like before, all the vital and necessary services like Ratio shops, Fruits and Vegetable shops, Dairy shops, bread shops and pharmacy shops will continue open.
  • All the financial service sectors, including Banks, ATMs and Insurance Offices will also continue to remain open.
  • IT services, including cable, internet and telecommunication services will also remain open.
  • Relief workers and emergency workers are exempted from this lockdown.
  • All the Petrol pumps and other gas retail including Petroleum, LPG and CNG will also remain open.
  • During this six-day lockdown, home delivery of food will be allowed.
  • People who are going to the vaccination centres for getting the vaccination will be spared subject to valid ID proof.
  • Patients and pregnant women going to hospital accompanied by a family member will be exempted subject to Valid ID proof or a Doctors Prescript.
  • People working in private medical hospital are also excused from this lockdown on providing valid ID.
  • People going to and fro to public transportation including Railway Stations/ ISBTS and Airports are allowed to travel on providing valid ticket.
  • The government workplace will remain open.
  • For the purpose of marriage, the organizer has to maintain the gathering of 50 peoples and the guest has to provide a hard or soft copy of the marriage card.
  • For the purpose of the Funeral, the gathering of 20 peoples is allowed.
  • All the temples, mosques and churches will remain open, but the entry of visitors is prohibited.
  • Intra and Inter-sate passage of necessary good will be allowed and neither permission nor E-pass is required for the same.
  • Media personnel are also exempted from the constraint order subject to valid ID cards.

List of people and services that are not exempted from the 6-day lockdown

  • All the personal offices will do work from home.
  • Gyms, malls and seminar halls will also remain close till 30th April 2021.

We highly request you all to please adhere to the rules and regulation of the lockdown, as these actions are taken by the government of Delhi, keeping in mind the safety of the Delhiites. It is not just the responsibility of the government but also it is our responsibility and as a good citizen of India, we must support the government in tough times like these. This phase is rough but if we all come and work together, we can defeat this deadliest Wuhan Virus. Stay tuned with us.

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