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#DID Dance India Dance 7 3rd August 2019 Episode Updates Watch Online Performance

#DID Dance India Dance 7 3rd August 2019 Episode Updates Watch Online Performance: The show starts with Raftaar and he Performs on stage with mentors and celebrates the Friendship Day Special Episode also, all the contestants celebrate their friendship on the stage. After this Karan Wahi starts the Show and invite first performer the first performance performs by West Ke Singhams, Mansi Dhruv and she adds some comedy in her Act and everyone enjoys her dance very much. The judges get impressed by her performances and giver good compliments for her performance also, she got 94.3 scores.

DID Dance India Dance 7 3rd August 2019 Episode Updates

Then the Karan Wahi asks Malaika about her friend’s group and then she talks about Karishma Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Anu Arora. She said Kareena is the real-life Poo and she sits just like her character.

The next performer was West Ke Singhams and because of Hardik Rawat is injured so his Team contestants performance in his place. The judges get so much excited after their performances and give them standing Ovation also, give terrific performance tag to them.

The third performance performs by West Ke Singhams Kings Squad and they perform in Malaika’s Famous Item Number “Chaiya Chaiya”. Judges get so much amazed by their performance and Malaika looks so much happy by their performance also, she gives them Standing ovation. By this amazing performance, they got 99.3%.

The North Ke Nawabs Performer Hardik Rawat gets disqualify because he gets injured by performance and Doctor said him that he can’t perform in next Six weeks so, the show disqualifies him but everyone gets so emotional and give him respect and love.

The next was North Ke Nawabs, Unreal Crew and they also perform in Malaika’s Song “Anarkali Disco Chali”. They dressed like Girls and give and mind-blowing performances also, the judges get so happy to see their performances and give them good compliments.

The Malaika Arora give and special Performance on “Anarkali Disco Chali” Song and everyone gets so much excited to see her also, the boy’s gets crazy after seeing her moves.

The west ke Singhams Kuldeep and Pranshu come on the stage and give a Special friendship performance also, they show their friendship in this performance. The judges get so much impressed and emotional to see them and love their performance also, they got 92.3% score.

After this, the show host Karan Wahi reveals the name Winner of the week and South Ke Thalavias be the winner of the week in this weekend also, the Unreal Crew, Kuldeep-Pranshu, and Hassan enters in Knock Out round and show their performances.

After the Knockout, Round performances judges take the decision and Hassan from East Ke Tigers gets eliminated from the show. Well, in the next episode of Dance India Dance: Battle of Champions you will see some Wild Cards enter come in the show and give competition to our Contestants.



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