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Strike Back Season 8 Episode 8 Release Date, Spoilers, Story & Where To Watch Online

Strike Back is an American/English military television drama series. It’s based on a novel by the same name authored by Chris Ryan. This series centers Section 20 a special secretive member of British Defence Intelligence Service. Section 20 functions by solving high stake missions and keeping terrorists out of the boundaries of the country. You’re warned about the spoiler content in this article. Keep on reading if you don’t mind spoilers because this also contains some spoilers.

Strike Back Season 8 Episode 8 Spoilers

The upcoming episode of Strike Back Season 8 is coming out and we are extremely thrilled ahead of it. In, Strike Back Season 8 Episode 8’ we are likely to see Spencer joining Section 20 on the ground. The reason behind is sole. The only sole purpose of taking Zayef down, take him down so hard once for all. Section 20 finds itself deeply stuck in an unstoppable blood feud when intel takes section 20 back to Arianna and Loric Demachi. This episode witnessed how much efforts Section 20 and each member in it is trying in to put Zayef down. Their efforts are applaudable and cannot be ignored at any cost. Zayef is planning to deploy the weapon of mass consumption in the UN conference. We hope that Section 20 manages to get there in time and there’s no loss of life or any sort of damage. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Be sure to watch this episode, it would be too exciting, it has been scheduled to release on Friday at 9:00 pm only on Cinemax.

Strike Back Season 8 Episode 8 Streaming Details

Strike Back Season 8 Episode 7 is releasing on Friday 3 April 2020. This episode is coming out after a week’s gap. It will be released at 9:00 pm (US) only on Cinemax. The expected runtime of this episode is expected to stretch over a period of sixty minutes. You can catch up Strike Back Season 8 Episode 7 ‘Vendetta: Episode7’ by attuning to Cinemax at the mentioned timeslot (Mentioned above). If you don’t have a cable subscription or if you simply miss the episode, you can watch it online on Amazon Prime, Vudu. You can also purchase episodes on Google Play, Hotstar, Amazon and iTunes. Strike Back is now very popular and favourite among the action lovers. It is rated 8.2/10, 85% and 8.8/10 on IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and TV.com.

Strike Back Season 8 Episode 8 Preview

Strike Back Season 8 Episode 7 released on Friday 27 March. It has been titled ‘Vendetta: Episode 6’. It came out with some great action and with a storyline worth to ponder upon. In this episode we have seen, Wyatt and Novin reuniting with Mac after a long time precisely after that incident back in Munich. Meanwhile, Mac seems very disturbed with his past. His past is described as extremely violent in the show and he’s lately been shown as someone who has been a victim of past. He is living with his past that’s evidently taking a toll on his wife and daughter. He feels that his service was not enough and he is making himself suffer for it. He is not doing right by himself but at the same time, it depicts his loyalty towards his department and his love for his country. If you’ve watched this episode, tell us what are your thoughts on this episode. Drop your comments in the comment section down below and stay tuned here to get all the latest updates from India and around the world.

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