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The Young and the Restless Spoilers Release Date Watch Online On CBS Network Cast & Crew

The famous American TV Show “The Young and the Restless” recent episode will be released on 8th March 2021, Monday on Viacom CBS network. The show was originally written by Josh Griffith and was first broadcasted in the year 1973 and at present, the show is currently producing under the banner of Sony Pictures Television. The show’s main lead role, Sharon Rosales was earlier played by Monika Potter and currently, Sharon Case is portraying the main female lead role. Let’s take a look at what will happen in the upcoming episode. In the recent episode, Faith Newman who was the daughter of Nick and Sharon was asked by Sharon Rosales about a lost old-fashioned statuette.

The Young and the Restless

Sharon told Faith that she can not find out that statuette at their home and told Faith that it was given to her by Adam. When Faith and Sharon were talking, Ray comes into the picture, where Faith hopes that Ray’s and Sharon’s married life will go well. Ray smiles and then he headed towards Sharon. He asks her whether she found a therapist for them or not. Sharon seemed to be not liking this therapist think, but reluctantly, she made an appointment with a therapist.

While Ray and Sharon were talking, Faith was left alone in the living room. She gets a message on her phone. In the message, she was appreciated for fighting back and showing the place to the rude girls who use to bully her in school. This message brings a faint smile to Faith’s face and thereafter, Sharon comes and says to her that she is glad that Faith is living with her and Ray. While the three of them were living mirthfully.

On the other hand, Victoria’s Newman daughter of billionaire and CEO of Newman Enterprise, Victor Newman tells her mother, Nikki Newman that she has planned to takeover Cyraxares Media at any cost, even if she had to go against her father and brother Adam Newman. While Adam also seems to be fully devoted to Newsman Enterprise and he is also working on taking over Cyrazxares Media. Taking advantage of the whole situation, Victor tries to create roughness among Adam and Victoria. It has been said that Adam will spill the bean to Chelas Lawson, on how he is planning to acquire Cyraxares Media against Chancellor Communication and how he wants to suppress Lily and Billy’s plans. The coming episodes are going to be more interesting on “The Young and the Restless (Y&R)”. Stay tuned with us for the more latest written update.

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