World Food Day is celebrated all around the world on 16 October every year in order to honour the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which was founded in the year 1945.

Happy World Food Day 2019
The day is widely celebrated by many other organizations that are concerned with food security, comprising the World Food Programme as well as the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
World Food Day (WFD) was founded in the year 1979 (November) by FAO’s Member Countries at the Organization’s 20th General Conference. The Hungarian Delegation which has been led by the former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Pál Romány, played an active role at the 20th Session of the FAO Conference. He was the one who suggested the idea of celebrating the WFD on international level. It has since been celebrated in more than 150 countries every year, raising awareness of the subjects or matters behind poverty as well as hunger.
World Food Day 2019 Theme
Every year, the World Food Day gets a unique theme since 1981, this year too the theme for World Food Day 2019 is “Our Actions Are Our Future, Healthy Diets for A #ZeroHunger World”
Previous World Food Day Themes from the year 2000 are as follows:
2000: A millennium free from hunger
2001: Fight hunger to reduce poverty
2002: Water: source of food security
2003: Working together for an international alliance against hunger
2004: Biodiversity for food security
2005: Agriculture and intercultural dialogue
2006: Investing in agriculture for food security
2007: The right to food
2008: World food security: the challenges of climate change and bioenergy
2009: Achieving food security in times of crisis
2010: United against hunger
World Food Day History
2011: Food prices – from crisis to stability
2012: Agricultural cooperatives – key to feeding the world
2013: Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition
2014: Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring for the earth”
2015: “Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty”
2016: Climate change: “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too”
2017: Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development.
2018: “Our Actions Are Our Future, Ending World Hunger by 2030 is Possible”
2019: “Our Actions Are Our Future, Healthy Diets for A #ZeroHunger World”
World Food Day 2019 Messages, Wishes, Greetings

Together we can fight against hunger…. Together we can provide a better tomorrow to children by feeding them… Let us come together and promise ourselves to eradicate this evil by feeding the hungry. Warm wishes to you on World Food Day 2019!
It is our responsibility to strike a balance between those who are hungry and those who are treated with the best of the cuisines… Let us be more responsible, let us feed the hungry, let us share our food. Best wishes to you on World Food Day 2019!
Food symbolizes love when words fail to define it….. Sending you warm wishes on World Food Day…. Enjoy food with happiness!!!
Let us make sure that there are no more people hungry, let us act, let us protect and let us feed them all…. On the occasion of World Food Day, we must wake up and work to feed all those who sleep without food…. Sending you warm wishes on World Food Day 2019!
On World Food Day, we must promise ourselves to never waste food… as an initiative and contribution to save food for those who are hungry…. Let us make a big difference with our small actions…. Wishing you a warm and Happy World Food Day 2019 my dear!!!
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