
Healthy Meal Ideas For Your Next Office Potluck

Office parties and potlucks are becoming more and more common across the country. These type of events offer a great opportunity for coworkers to come together and get to know each other, which could help with team-building. In addition, company gatherings are one of the best employee appreciation ideas, allowing you to reward your employees and show your appreciation. However, this isn’t the only thing that is catching on across the nation. Healthy trends such as eating right and exercising daily are gaining popularity in order to combat the rise in obesity levels. One way to really eat healthy is to change the foods you eat when you go out. This ensures that you’re not cheating on your diet and are sticking to your new healthy ways. This is why you may want introduce some healthier foods for your next office get-together. However, what healthy foods work well at an office gathering, and how do you make these dishes? Click here for more healthy meal ideas for your next office potluck.

Avocado Toast

Although recently gaining notoriety from being associated with millennials, avocado toast is still a great healthy snack to serve at your office parties. Avocado has been a craze recently as the younger generation has been consuming it at record levels. Combined with its health benefits, the taste of avocados make it an extremely attractive option for parties and gatherings. In addition to being healthy and delicious, avocado toast is also extremely easy to prepare and serve. Simply toast your bread and apply your favorite avocado spread on top. Next, cut the toast into four slices and place the slices on a large platter. After these few short steps your healthy snack is ready to be served!

If you’re really trying to buy into the health craze, then try serving food with organic ingredients. Although the true verdict on organic food is still up in the air, some claim that organic food is healthier for your body. Using organic ingredients could be a great way to make a high quality dish that is also good for your health. For example, a salad could be made using all organic fruits and vegetables. It may be a little more pricey, but the quality and potential health benefits of organic food can be worth it.


Although not traditional, serving fish as a meat for your other dishes can actually be extremely healthy. Fish can actually be lower in fat than other sources of animal protein, allowing you to receive the healthy benefits without any negatives. What little fats fish do contain though are the “good fats” that are essential to your body’s health and survival. In addition, fish can be incorporated into a large variety of dishes. For example, you could make fish tacos or you could serve a unique tuna dish. Regardless of what you decide to do, incorporating fish into your next office potluck can be a great way to introduce healthier foods to your coworkers.  


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