Nani’s recent release Telugu movie Majnu performing bit average at box office. Also, this weekend people have lots of other option to watch and they are coming out to watch them. Nani is one of the most appreciated actors from the Tollywood and people have big expectations from him but this time, he failed to attract average audience towards the movie.
Majnu is romantic comedy love triangle Story movie where people have not that much good twist and turns to watch. Also, I guess weak screenplay and stick competition effecting the box office collection of this movie. This year Nani released Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gaadha and Gentleman Both is huge hit at box office. But Majnu opened up with the average occupancy at cinemas.
Virinchi Varma directed the movie and Geetha Golla and P. Kiran jointly produced this romantic flick. People have the buzz for the movie and they are surely going to watch this movie for sure. Also, Just because of Nani this movie is going to get good profit from the cinemas. People are attracting towards this movie because of the cool characters and good comedy but the word of mouth is working negative for the movie.
Majnu Box Office Collection
The movie opened up with the good occupancy at very first day of release. But the 2nd-day occupancy went down where the movie collected average bucks for the makers. The satellite rights were sold in 4.00 Crore to Gemini T.V also the total budget of this movie is around 10 Crore.
The first-day box office collection is around 2.50 Crore from the regional states of India. Also, the second day went bit average like I told you above and the movie collected only 1.80 Crore from the box office. I am sure that you are going to love this movie for sure because of the good comedy but don’t expect much from the movie.
Upcoming days are going to be a good deal at the box office because people have other option to watch. Also, M.S Dhoni: The Untold story released this weekend at the box office which is attracting good Telugu audience towards it.
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