How Can Poker Make You a Good Investor?

Thinking of how poker can help you to become a better investor right? Over the past few years, we have witnessed how poker in India has transformed the gaming landscape and helped players to become better in their observational skills, analytical skills, and mathematical skills. Well, Poker is a game of skill in which players not only use their cards but also their mental arithmetic, to bet against each other and win the pot amount. As the game involves probabilities, calculations, and risk assessment, it has been observed that most of the players turn out to be great investors.

In this article, we will discuss in detail how playing poker can help you become a better investor:

Better calculation skills

When you play online cash games like poker, you learn how to assess risks, predict scenarios, and take calculated risks. The same factors are supposed to be followed when it comes to planning and investment. To become a successful investor, you need to polish your skills in terms of calculation and determination of risks as per the market trends. Players can develop such skills while playing a game of poker and learn to think in probabilities. You will learn how to do a reasonable comparison of possible losses against winnings.

Learning Patience

Patience is the mantra to win in life! While the game involves a lot of strategies and decision making, you need to deal with every situation with patience. You need to be patient even while playing with the average hands if you are looking forward to winning. The same is with investing. You need to stay patient for an extended period of time in order to reap desired profitable outcomes.

Better at Handling Pressure

As money is involved, you are under a lot of pressure to make wise decisions. You learn to handle the high intensity of pressure and come up with rational solutions. While investing, there is so much pressure on you to take the best possible decisions as per the market statistics. Once you learn to deal with the pressure of poker games, you also become better in investment related decisions.

Selection of profitable investments

While playing the game, you need to make decisions considering your bankroll and the stakes you want to play at. Also, you need to be smart in the card selection to increase your winning probabilities. Same is the case with investment. As an investor, your strategy should be based on the long term outcomes of your current investment decision. Based on the results you are expecting in the long term and how much you are willing to invest, you have to select the best from a variety of investment plans. You learn to embrace logic on why you chose the second option over first.

Poker helps in polishing and developing the right skills that are useful in making major investment decisions. Not only from an investment point of view, but it also helps in improving skills that are relevant in other areas of life.


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