Hello guys, today we have a brand new story for all the readers of this blog. Today’s story is about the father who is focusing on the happiness of his daughter. 10 Times You’ll Miss Your Best Friends Terribly Once You’re Married

I Have a daughter, boys are monsters and everyone else can have sex except my daughter; because she’s a puppet whose destiny I control.”
That pretty much described what almost every father in our country feels like. He wants to keep every boy at least a mile’s distance away from his daughter, because what if they fell in love?
What if he takes away her izzat? But wait a second, what if he doesn’t? What if it’s consensual?
I think sex is awesome and I had the right to have it when I wanted to, so does my daughter. Or I may not have had the right but that’s not the point. I love having sex and I’m pretty sure everyone else does too, behind their closed bedroom doors. It’s the most beautiful feeling, especially when you’re involved with somebody you love. My daughter’s generation is different but if she doesn’t do silly things, I believe she’ll never learn. Sex is fun and so exhilarating, I’d give my daughter proper sex education but that is it. I won’t keep her away from experiencing it after a certain age.
This doesn’t mean I won’t be protective of my daughter, this just means I want her to fall and pick herself up. I don’t want to be the barrier, I think a condom is enough to play that role.
Of course, I don’t need the details anymore than my daughter would want mine. But whatever it is and whoever it is, I WANT her to go out and have fun! You know why? Because as long as it is consensual, I don’t see why it is any of my business to stop her or judge her for having a good time.
I see nothing wrong in giving pleasure to someone else or getting some of my own. If someone is telling or doing otherwise, then they are probably one of those male chauvinists walking around like they own the world, and like they own you. That is the kind of man that will tell you otherwise, because he can’t see beyond the point of controlling you.
Yes, he might break her heart and leave her shattered, feeling like there’s no tomorrow to live for. But that’s when I’ll step in, that is when I will play my part of a good father. I’ll hold her and comfort her, because that’s my job. That’s what I’m supposed to be doing. It’ll break my heart to see her like that, but what will break me even more is if she never got to experience simple pleasures of life, till she ties that knot. How will she ever know the difference? How will she ever know the difference between good sex and bad sex? It’s in that moment when you actually understand a man’s personality. A lot of times you actually understand a man after having sex with him. How he holds you, how he goes about it, how much he lets you dominate and how much he dominates, what he does after and before sex — all of this gives you the real picture.
Not letting my daughter experience all this would be a blunder. My daughter deserves the best man and so she needs to experience every little thing in life. It’s her choice — who she wants to make her first and who she wants to be her last and final. As long as it’s HER choice, I’m good.
I know she can go terribly wrong with her choices but that’s the only way I learnt to live my life and that’s how my lovely daughter will grow up — she’ll make her own decisions, fall when they’re wrong and rise when they are bloody awesome.
I am my own person, and she is her own. She is not me. She will never be my puppet. I’m around to be there with her and for her all the way through. I’ll help and I’ll advise, but I won’t make her decisions for her.
Because the only way she’ll learn and grow up is by that strength to fumble out of her own darkness. She’ll learn to be independent this way. She’ll be her own master, I’m just her well-wisher.
It won’t be easy because I won’t like every choice she makes. But she won’t be a baby all her life that I need to protect from the big bad world. The choices she makes will decide her course. We can’t all like listening to the same music, eat the same food, or love the same kind of people. That would cause another world war and end us all for good.
Life is going to come at her, like it came at me and it’ll try its best to hit her at her weakest and most vulnerable moments. But that does not mean that having sex is wrong or that she is wrong for wanting it. Or even that other people are bad for wanting it from her.
She’s my daughter and I love her. Which is why I’m not going to lock her up in a safe place where she’s trapped by ancient ideals and senseless rules. Instead, I want her to go out there and live a happy, fulfilling life — a life that she can look back at and laugh at the mistakes she made and more importantly, a life that taught her things from her own mistakes.
So, dear daughter, go and explore the world, meet new people, experience new things, make some mistakes and make some more, because that’s how you’ll learn. I won’t stop you as long as you know who to come back to when you come across a jackass who broke your heart.
I’ll be standing right here.
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