Woman’s struggle will never be finished in this country we live. Another disturbing case with woman, and this time an IAS offices harresed during the hearing of her case at the court. Harassing woman has become a major issue and there is no solution of it yet. No woman is safe in this country, not even an IAS officer. Securing a position in the IAS is a daunting task which requires consistent struggle, hard work and dedication. Many young men and women take this tough path with a view to serve the nation. But, at numerous instances, like this one, they are hit by the harsh reality. Accepting respect from man is so much to ask. Can’t be woman treated normally and she is an object in every man’s hand.

An IAS officer Riju Bafna who is disgusted with inappropriate messages from Santosh Chaubey, the Ayog Mitra of the Madhya Pradesh Human Rights Commission. She files FIR against Santosh Chaubey and she visited the Judicial Magistrate. to give her statement. Santosh Chaubey was removed from his job which was followed by criminal procedure. But Bafna was yet to receive another shock as she mentioned in her Facebook post.
When she asked the judicial magistrate to be careful about the presence of other people while a woman is giving statement in similar cases, he allegedly said that the IAS officer is demanding such rules as she is young.
This insensitive treatment, left the IAS officer in shock as she mentions in her post. Sadly, the problem is not just limited to sexual harassment and molestation, the overall attitude of the society towards women in such cases is highly problematic. The misogyny which runs deep in the society needs to be weeded out in order to ensure real change.
Hi everyone. I am posting this message to share my experience with judiciary on a sexual harassment case filed by me.
Santosh Chaubey, Aayogmitra of MP Human Rights Commission was sending me indecent messages last week. I had filed an FIR against him and criminal action is being pursued against him. He was immediately removed from his job, thanks to the swift action by my Collector, Shri Bharat Yadav.
Today, I went to give my statement to the Judicial Magistrate. While I wasgiving my statement, an advocate named Lalit Sharma was standing next, overhearing my statement, along with others in the court. I asked the judicial magistrate to ask others to leave as I was uncomfortable giving my statement in front of so many people. On saying this, Lalit Sharma started shouting at me, saying “how dare you suggest me to leave, I am an advocate here and you might be an officer in your office but not in the Court”. I told him that the privacy I am demanding is not as an IAS officer but as a woman and laws provide me with that. He started arguing and eventually left.
Such is the state of affairs for women in this country. When I said to Judicial Magistrate that he should be careful of presence of other people when a woman is giving statement under sexual harassment case, he said that you are young and that’s why demanding such things.
Idiots are lined up at every step and people are highly insensitive towards our sufferings. If you are born in this country, better prepare yourself for struggle at every step.
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