
India Bans Import Of 101 Defence Item To Boost Self Reliance From Big Guns To missiles

One of the most important part in any country is a defence system which makes the country strong and powerful. The Defence minister Rajnath Singh declared on an embargo on the import of 101 defence items on Sunday. All countries make them powerful because the country should be prepared to tackle all the situations. Due to no one predict that at what situation would be happened in the future so the Defence minister Rajnath Singh appreciates the Made In India decision which was taken by The Prime Minister of the country Narender Modi Ji.

Defence minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday said that the government has prepared a list around the 101 items on which there would be an embargo on import. To give a push or appreciate to Prime Minister Narender Modi Ji ‘s “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan”. One of the best decisions taken by the government because everyone knows that by the pandemic of coronavirus. The country does not have that much of amount to purchase the defence products to others so through the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan the defence weapon will make in India which is proud. and this decision will give the technical knowledge to weapon makers.

From big guns to missiles ,India bans import of 101 defence items to boost self reliance


  • Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Push the ” Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan ” which created by Narendra Modi Ji.
  • 101 defence weapon are banned to import.

A lot of weapons added in the list which banned for import by India:- Light combat aircraft Mk I A, land-attack cruise missiles (long-range),155 mm Artillery ammunition. By December 2020, The embargo will arrive into effects on 120 mm Fin stabilized armor-piercing discarding sabot (FSAPDS) Mark II Ammunition,7.62*51 Sniper Rifle, Tracked Self Propelled (SP)Gun (155mm*52 Cal). Towed Artillery Gun (155 mm*52 Cal), Short Range Surface to AirMissiles (Land Variant), Shipborne cruise missiles, Multi Barrel Rocket Launchers (MBRL) (Pinaka variant), Simulator Presenting Smart Range And Multi-Function Targets, Battalion Support Weapons Simulators, Container-Based Simulators for Live Fire Training, Tailor-made Simulator for Counter Insurgency (CI) Counter-Terrorism, (CT) based Training, Force-on-force Live Tactical Simulators / Infantry Weapon.

This category also includes the Tank Simulators (driving, as well as gunnery),155 mm/39  Cal Ultralight Howitzer, Successor of Flycatcher & Upgraded Super Fledermaus (USFM) Air Defence Fire Control Radar (ADFCR) Component level Repair Facilities for Tanks  T-90, Shipborne Close in the weapon system Bullet Proof Jackets, Ballistic Helmets, Missiles Destroyers, Multi-purpose Vessel Offshore Petrol Vessel, Anti – Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts and a lot of items added in the list reader can check these items officially.

This step by the government is very beneficial for India because the technology rate is developed by this and one of the most strong points is that the it pushes the “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” through this step it encourages the person towards the Abhiyan.



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