Happy International Tea Day 2021 Quotes Chai Day Whatsapp Status Images

Every year on December 15, the International Tea Day is celebrated. The festival is being celebrated since 2005 with the day being dedicated to celebrate and honor the tea producing countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Uganda, India and Tanzania.

Happy International Tea Day 2021

The aim behind celebrating the day is to draw global attention of the governments and citizens to know the impact of the global tea trade. The first International Tea Day was celebrated in New Delhi in the year 2005, and later in 2006 and 2008 as well.

Earlier in the year 2015, the Indian government proposed widening the observance of International Tea Day through the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

No matter what mood you might be in, no matter what life stage you might be in, no matter where you are residing, if there’s one thing that can instantly lift up your spirit and make you feel rejuvenated, it has to be a cup of tea.

Happy International Tea Day Quotes

That one cup of chai cannot just keep the tiredness and exhaustion at bay, but can also transform your mood into a happy state of being. It can wake up a sleepy person and it can put to rest an anxious one.

While a lot has been written and spoken about tea to prove that tea is not something which need to be celebrated for a single day, it is something which is cherished every day.

Following are some of the quotes summarised for you to celebrate the day.

Chai Day Whatsapp Status Images

  • “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
  • “I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.”
  • “A cup of tea would restore my normality.”
  • “There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”
  • “Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept.”
  • “Tea … is a religion of the art of life.”
  • “But indeed I would rather have nothing but tea.”
  • “At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional.”
  • “Making tea is a ritual that stops the world from falling in on you.”
  • “Who needs a guy, when there’s chai?”
  • “You cannot make everyone fall in love with you. You are not Chai”
  • “Where there is tea, there is hope!”
  • “Tea is a beverage which not only quenches thirst but dissipates sorrow.”
  • “A cup of tea is a cup of peace.”
  • “Life is like a cup of tea. It’s all in how you make it.”
  • “There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”
  • “Life is like a cup of tea. It’s all in how you make it.”
  • “If you are cold, tea will warm you;
    If you are too heated, it will cool you;
    If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
    If you are excited, it will calm you.”
  • “Happiness is warming your hands with a warm cup of tea.”
  • “Coffee is just not my cup of tea.”


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