Militants Attacked CRPF group

Jammu & Kashmir Militants Attack CRPF group in Lawaypora Check Videos & Killed Jawans Name & Images

A big piece of news is coming from the borders of Srinagar, J&K, wherein, during a search operation conducted in the J&K’s Shopia by the CRPF soldiers, two CRPF soldier lost their lives, while two other soldiers are severely injured. It has been said, that the CRPF bus was attacked by a group of local militants of Srinagar on Thursday afternoon. According to the police official, it was a hit and run case. The two injured soldiers were immediately rushed to the 92 base hospital for undergoing medical treatment. In a statement given by Jammu & Kashmir, IG Vijay Kumar, it has been reported that Lashkar-e-Taiba was the mastermind behind this attack. As per the sources, the whole incident took place, when the Army and Police of Shopia were conducting a search operation in Shopia’s Manihal area, today at around 3:40 PM.

Militants Attacked CRPF group

During that operation, the activist started round fires at the CRPF’s forces. The CRPF officials have verified the identity of one of the soldiers who lost his life during the search operation. His name is ASI Manga Ram Barman. According to the reports, the 73 Battalion of CRPF, was patrolling and were conducting searches at the central district of Srinagar, near the Lawaypora area, when suddenly a group of the activist, launched gun fires at the CRPF bus.

An intensive battle between the activist and the soldiers took place, which one of our soldiers, was shot dead in the incident, while another three soldiers suffered major wounds. After this incident, the whole area has been sealed by the soldiers of CRPF. On 22nd March 2021, the security forces of CRPF along with the Shopia police killed four militants in the Shopia after an intensive encounter and now, in less than two days, the soldiers were attacked by the militants of Shopia.

It clearly states, that the mastermind behind the attack is Lashkar-e-Taiba and it has been confirmed by the police. The Shopia police are investigating the case and trying to find out the real attacker involved in the case, however, it has been confirmed though, that the Islamist terrorist in Pakistan, Lashkar is involved in this incident. Further investigating is still going on and police are connecting every piece to find out what exactly went wrong. We pay our tribute to the martyred soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the search operation.


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