Lapd Bomb Squad Fails To Defuse Explosion Twitter Reaction Memes And Make Jokes

Lapd Bomb Squad Fails To Defuse Explosion Twitter Reaction Memes And Make Jokes

A video is going trending on social media where a bomb squad truck was seen explode on the road. The video has gone viral all over the Internet and netizens are talking about this and thinking many things about it. Have you heard about the “bomb Squad”? Yes, many people already know that a bomb squad is a kind of team that is mainly trained for defusing any kind of bomb and this video totally belongs to this. But, the Los Angeles bomb squad team has been trolling on social media after they failed to defuse a bomb in South Los Angeles the last Wednesday, June 30 and because of this, a major explosion caused at the spot.

Lapd Bomb Squad Fails To Defuse Explosion Twitter Reaction Memes And Make Jokes

When the incident took place, the video was recorded at the time and many news agencies and even people shared this video all over the Internet and later, people started trolling this. Here we are going to share all the information regarding to the news and what happened at the moment? Many questions have been coming out from the incident and people are excited to know the main reason for this failure. Scroll down and get the information here.

LAPD Bomb Squad Became A Cause Of Explosion:

According to the reports, the bomb explosion that took place on Wednesday, June 30, happened in South Los Angeles, and due to the explosion at least 17 people have gone injured, and along with this, some cars and left debris have also damaged.

Due to the huge quantity of illegal fireworks, this became a cause of the blast. The illegal fireworks were seized by the LAPD Bomb Squad from a house and trying to detonating that at the spot but the things went wrong at the moment and the explosion took place on the street.

As per the reports, the squad entered into the house on the 700th block of East 27th Street and recovered the illegal explosion devices before being transferred them in the iron chamber which is already put inside the car, and the car was specially designed to detonate the explosive materials.

When they carry out the explosion, the bomb squad team started to detonate the fireworks around 7:30 PM because the designed vehicle would be able to carry the explosion but things went wrong at the moment and it causes a very large explosion.

Due to the explosion, around 10 police officers suffered from minor injuries and on the other side, six civilians were taken to the hospital of which three had seriously injured.

The police told the media that there was no mistake of Bomb Squad and instead of this, they claimed that there was a fault inside the vehicle. When the went gone viral, many people have shown their reviews and taking the support of Twitter to mock the squad for not doing their work properly.


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