The beauty of supermoon is what everyone loves, and people remains severely desperate to witness it. The supermoon starts in the month of October, November, and continues until December.

Meanwhile, the last supermoon of the year will start seeing from the 13 December 2016, but it will reach its peaks on December 14, 2016, at peak at 7:05 pm EST (00:05 GMT on December 14). It will facilitate the people in every corner of the world to witness the full moon even from the naked eye.
Keeping in mind, the excitement of the people, the Slooh Community Observatory and the online Virtual Telescope Project has come with the plan of bringing the live webcast of the full moon. It is believed that the supermoon will start from 11 Am and it will reach its peak on the same night as of the peak of the Geminid meteor shower.
Meanwhile, numbers of people believe that the full moon and supermoon are the same things, but it is not like this. Full moon used to appear in every night when lining up of the sun, Earth, and the moon. When the full moon arrives at its perigee, then it is known as “supermoon.”
On this even, the supermoon appears more 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter in the sky. Even the experts believe that the supermoon of December known Full Cold Moon and the Long Nights Moon.
Well, if you want to look for the full moon then you must wake up and went to the roof and view the moon.
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