Nikita is taking auditions for the Jagran. Dadaji comes and listens to the selected singer. But he refuses to hire anyone from outside. He calls Prakshit and Pulkit to sing the song. They refuse to sing as they don’t know how to sing. Dadaji asks Parikshit and Pulkit to sing in the Jagran.

Humko Tumse ho gaya hai pyaar kya Karen Episode Written Updates
Tushar calls Kunal and asks him to come. Anokhi saw Tushar and she buys a goddess figure but the shopkeeper refuses to sell it. She requests. The pandit asks her to collect seven silver coins from the pond to own the figure.
Anokhi says she has an allergy with cold water. Tushar saw her face and decides to jump in the pond. Anokhi saw Kunal and thinks to show him a video. Tushar jumps in the pond and finds all the seven coins from the pond. Anokhi came to know that he has an allergy too. She thinks he is doing so to impress her so that she will not show the video to anyone.
She thinks why the maid is so worried about him? She keeps requests him to come out. All the devotees encourage him and he keeps finding. Anokhi gives her hand to come out. He holds her hand and comes out with all coins.
Anokhi scolds him for doing so and Tushar notes her concern. The shopkeeper gives him that idol and he gives that to Anokhi. Tushar is falling for Anokhi. She reaches to Malick house and gives that idol to her and she also brings ladoos to impress her.
She got impressed. Anokhi says she went to the temple too. Dadi tells her that Tushar went to meet Parul. Anokhi thinks to show the video to Dadi but failed as she got her mom’s call.
Dadaji asks about the tent arrangement. Anokhi says she will do this and if she failed he can kick her out of the job.
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