The Malayalam movie Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya is ready to hit theatre this weekend and the film is promoted very well. The film features Unni Mukundan in the lead role with Sanusha and Prayaga Martin, they are playing other crucial roles.
Malayalam Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya Movie Review & Rating
As per report, the film is said to be a good romantic entertainer, which is being directed by Sajan K Mathew. The script for the film has been pen by Abhilash Sreedharan, apart from the lead star cast, including Unni Mukundan, Sanusha and Prayga.
The film also features a huge sat cast, which include, Aju Varghese, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Tini Tom, Balaji Sharma and Sadique. They are playing other supporting roles in the movie. The film Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya is making headlines as the film has been being produced by the renowned production banner, which has given a number of hit films in Mollywood like Apoorvaragam.
With the Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya the production house is making huge comeback to the Malayalam cinema and expectation from the movie is huge anyway. The story of Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya is all set on the backdrop of a village named Mallapuram.
After a brief gap with Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya, Malayal cinema is witness a film story, which is set on the backdrop of a village. And heroine Prayaga Martin is making his acting debut with the movie.
Positive points of Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya:
In Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya there is a beautiful village based story
Pragya Martin is making her acting debut with the movie
Negative points of Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya:
In the movie Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya there is lack of star power
The film will be having huge competition from School Bus
Details of the film Positive points of Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya:
Film: Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya
Star cast: Unni Mukundan, Aju Varghese and Pragya Martin
Genre: Comedy drama
Rating: 3/5 ***
Final Verdict: You will love the movie Oru Murai Vanthu Parthaya if you watch it!!!
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