Every career blogger starts out starry-eyed with the promise of lots of money to be made in return for a few hours spent writing on the internet.
So in the textbook order: You pick a niche you are passionate about, publish awesome content, build a solid readership, register with the top ad networks, and hope that when the time is ripe to monetize your blog, you won’t end up empty-handed.
But you still do, because there’s no end of bad news for online publishers and display advertising:
- Almost half of your audience will never see your ads. Ad blocking grew by 41% in 2014-15. It’s not stopping there. (Source)
- 33% of internet users find display ads completely intolerable (Source). This can put a serious dent in your user experience (and consequently, your search rankings).
- The average clickthrough rate (CTR) of display ads across any format or placement is 0.06%. (Source) The reason for this is banner blindness, i.e., internet savvy people treating ads as white noise.
A garishly colored ad banner that clashes with your color scheme or pops up out of nowhere is why a clear 1/3rd of your audience hates you for putting ads on your website, while the rest of your audience has simply learned to ignore ads.
Essentially, it’s your responsibility to make sure that ads don’t compromise your user experience while still keeping their viewability intact. The best way to go about this is by running A/B tests, and that’s where AdPushup gives you an edge.
Automated Ad Layout Optimization
AdPushup is one-of-a-kind, machine-learning A/B testing platform for ad units that balances UX while maximizing ad revenue. This tool gives publishers the power to control what an ad unit will look like on their front end interface and test multiple variations for maximum revenue, without diving into pesky lines of code.
This continuous, automated testing and optimization ensures that your ad units are always making the highest possible revenue, at all times, without disrupting your user experience.
How Ad Testing Works
Publishers can create multiple ad unit variations — all with different on-page placements, sizes, formats, and types.
These variations are shown to different audience segments to see which ones are making the most revenue (getting clicked) without negatively affecting your site’s user experience (any increase in exit or bounce rates).
With AdPushup, you can easily:
- Deliver customized ads to different audience segments based on device, for instance, you can set different layouts for PC, mobile, and tablet users.
- Measure and maximize ad revenue in sync with your user experience metrics. Optimized will maximize ad revenue and improve session duration, bounce rates, and other key engagement metrics.
- Delve into analytics and custom reports to gather insights about high converting (Goal: CTR) audiences, content, and of course, ad variations.
- Integrate seamlessly with Google AdSense and Google DoubleClick AdX for the best RPM across the board.
Intelligent Continuous Optimization Engine
AdPushup’s intelligent algorithm keeps a check on each ad unit’s (and its variations’) performance while conducting continuous page-wise scans to automatically create optimized ad layouts. Its predictive optimization suggestions (backed by billions of ad impressions from AdPushup and AdSense combined) helps you make smart and instantaneous ad layout choices in the face of ever changing ad network guidelines and user behavior.
About AdPushup
AdPushup is a New Delhi based startup backed by Microsoft Ventures and founded by Ankit Oberoi and Atul Aggarwal. Their groundbreaking ad optimization technology currently serves over 400 customers across the globe.
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