ell, as you all may know that Motorola has finally launched three new Moto mods that will work with its premium flagship Moto Z2-series in India. Reports are coming that these mods will be available in on Flipkart and some other e-commerce sites. Also, the reports are coming that there’s also an offer for Moto Z users that they can rent the Moto Mods for a week for just Rs 399 per week. We are sure that you all are going to love the Moto for sure.
The Moto Mods will be attached to Moto Z2 Play and transform the device into a battery powerhouse, a movie projector or boombox. We want to make sure that you all know that the company has launched three Moto Mods including the JBL SoundBoost 2 speaker Mod, the GamePad Mod and Moto TurboPower Pack battery Mod. People are looking quite excited for these mods and we are sure that you all are going to love it.
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Also, the reports are coming that the JBL SoundBoost 2 is an updated version of the SoundBoost Mod that has 10 hours of battery life with fast charging support. Also, the sources are saying that it draws its power from 1000mAh battery. The updated version is water resistant and retails for Rs 6,999. While the GamePad Mod allows the user to transform their phone into a hand-held gaming console, priced at Rs 6,999. We are sure that you all are going to love the features for sure and model is exciting.
Also, if we talk about the Moto TurboPower Pack Mod comes with fast charging support and retails for Rs 5,999. Users can quickly charge it up to 50 percent in just 20 minutes, which means that the fast charging will work for sure and it is going to work out soon. Also, the company is partnered with RentoMojo to offer its customers a hands-on experience with the latest Moto Mods for a week.
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