Mumbai-Based Health Company Loses Rs 2.5 Crore

Mumbai-Based Health Company Loses Rs 2.5 Crore, While Signing Online Contract

Good Day Readers, Today a conspiring news has come stating that a Mumbai-based company sought investors but incurred a loss of Rs 2.5 crore while finalizing an online contract. Stay with this article to find out more about this news. In a fraudulent online scheme, a health company based in Mumbai, which was in search of investors, fell victim to a Rs 2.5 crore scam. This deception involved a counterfeit meeting and a phishing link. In a recent incident of online fraud, a health company based in Mumbai, which was actively seeking an investor, suffered a financial loss of Rs 2.5 crore. The company had been engaged in talks with a Singapore-based firm for potential investment. However, the situation took a deceptive turn when an unknown individual, masquerading as the corporate communication manager of the foreign company, reached out to the victim.

Mumbai-Based Health Company Loses Rs 2.5 Crore

This impersonator then forwarded a link supposedly containing contract details, but it turned out to be a phishing link, resulting in the unfortunate loss of the entire sum. As per a report from TOI, a chartered accountant working for a health company based in Mumbai was actively seeking investors. During the investor search, Khyber Ventures, a Singapore-based company, expressed interest in making an investment. The two parties engaged in discussions and formalized an electronic contract through the CA. According to this contract, Khyber Ventures committed to investing the equivalent of Rs 2.5 crore in US dollars. Notably, Khyber Ventures had even transferred the stipulated amount into the Mumbai company’s cryptocurrency wallet.

Mumbai-Based Health Company Loses Rs 2.5 Crore

However, the situation took a deceptive turn a few days later. On June 18, the Mumbai CA received a message from an unidentified individual claiming to represent Khyber Ventures. This person posed as the corporate communications manager of the Singapore-based company and requested the CA to participate in a meeting for further discussion about the investment. Following the meeting, two days later, on June 20, the CA received another message, this time from an individual named Jenny Kyber, who provided a link and urged the CA to click on it.

Trusting the authenticity of the communications, the chartered accountant (CA) clicked on the provided link. Unfortunately, this action resulted in the installation of malware on the CA’s computer, providing the scammers with access to the CA’s personal and financial data. As a consequence, the scammers exploited this information to initiate a transfer of Rs 2.5 crore from the CA’s bank account. Upon clicking the link, the complainant witnessed the transfer of 2.5 lakh USD from the cryptocurrency account, which had been invested by Khyber Ventures, and an additional 15,100 USD from their personal funds. In total, an equivalent of Rs 2.20 crore was siphoned off by individuals who remain unidentified, according to an official statement from the police.

Stunned by this financial loss, the CA swiftly lodged a complaint about the online fraud through the Cyber Crime portal. The Nodal Cyber unit acted promptly, registering a First Information Report (FIR). The investigation into the case suggests that the victim’s cryptocurrency wallet fell victim to a phishing link, and it is strongly suspected that the perpetrators utilized Inferno Drainer tools to execute the attack. Inferno Drainer is a malicious software tool designed to illicitly obtain cryptocurrency from wallets, typically by luring victims into clicking on a phishing link, thereby granting the scammers access to their wallets.


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