The stunt based reality show “Khatro Ke Khiladi” is hosted by the Arjun Kapoor and the has reached to its final stage. In the Saturday it was the semi-final round happened last night in the stunt based show. In the show it is Sana Saeed, Mukti, Raghav Juyal, Vivian D’sena, Sidharth Shukla, Vivan Bhatena, Tanishaa Mukherji and Parvathy remained as the final participants.
It is one of the players Jay Bhanushali leaved the show on the midway due to the injuries he got last week. Now he is unable to do his stunts anyway. In the face-off stunt round it is Jay Bhanushali had been defeated which is comple him to leave the show and he also seek apology for what he did anyway.
Now afterward it the host of the Arjun Kapoor had been arrived and started the proceedings. Sana, Raghav, Muki, Sidharth, and Parvathy were nominated from the last week. And now these nominated participants’ received a stunt based task by which they can saved themselves from getting evicted.
In this task, it is Raghav, Sana, and Mukti were chosen to perform. They had to stay in the swimming pool to release five glow sticks from inside the swimming pool. The catch was that a burning blanket was there in a place and also there were some sticks had been put.
Raghav released four sticks and failed to complete the task properly but Sana had been performed up to the mark by staying there for the 48 seconds. And now Mukti performed the task well by staying there for the 56 seconds and won the task.
But it is Parvaty actually failed to perform the task which let her compel to leave the show gradually. Anyway Parvaty did not succeed in saving herself from getting evicted but tonight it is now the other participants’ including Tanishaa Mukerji and Vivian D’sena will compete with each other to avoid the elimination and competition.
Can you run over broken glass pieces? This is the tonight task of the #KKK aka “Khatro Ke Khiladi – Keeda Ka Peeda”. It will be interesting to see who will be making big in the “Khatro Ke Khiladi – Fear Factor” Vivian D’sena or Tanisha Mukherji!
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