Bhabo asks Sandhya to rejoin IPS and Meena is waiting for Suraj to come. Bhabo tells him that he went to the temple and asks her to bring Kanak. Sandhya is nervous about rejoining after a 15 months leap. Bhabo encourages her and asks her to fulfill her responsibilities. Kanak is sleeping so Meena wishes her from Kanak’s side. Bhabo asks her to go fearlessly. IPS Arpita welcomes Sandhya and prepares a surprise for her.

Diya Aur Baati Hum Episode Written Updates
She put all her achievements on the green board and left the current year’s column empty. Sandhya is still nervous but she as she enters the police station she is applauded with a warm welcome. IPS Arpita introduces herself and expresses her excitement. She also asks her to bring sweets for rejoining as well as for Kanak’s birth. She calls Ram Singh with sweets.
Sandhya tells that Rathi’s changes to Kanak’s Mishthan Bhandar. Arpita urges Sandhya to make sweets at the canteen kitchen. Emily rushes to pick Sparsh but a neighbor brings him home as he was standing alone at Bus Stop. Emily thanked him. She apologizes him and changes his clothes.
Om asks about the incident and she explains everything. Om asks her not to worry and blames her pregnancy for this. He asks her not to blame herself. Sandhya made Sweets for all meanwhile, the seniors enter and scold Sandhya for her irresponsible behavior. Arpita smirks. Arzoo reaches to Sandhya as Kanak is crying. Sandhya got to know that Arpita left without her and later she taunts her for her irresponsible behavior of her.
Sandhya gathers some information about the criminals and she shares it with her team. On the spot, Sandhya fires on a car. The commissioner is disappointed with her as he failed to prove his decision right.
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