Sanskar Confess His Love For Swara! Swaragini 6th November 2015 Episode

Sanskar Confess His Love For Swara! Swaragini 6th November 2015 Episode

In the tonight episode of the TV serial “Swararigini” tonight Sanskar will be confessing his love for Swara which will be witnessing by Lakshay and he will be hurts. Yesterday, episode of the series show that Ragini and Swara was performing “Karwa Chauth” ceremony with Maheshwari and everybody. Lakshay, Sanskar and their dad were also there but suddenly, Lakshay’s mom-dad received an envelope in which there were photographs which shows that Swara and Lakshay getting cozy with each other.

Sanskar Confess His Love For Swara! Swaragini 6th November 2015 Episode

Swaragini 6th November 2015 Episode

Eventually, Ragini also joins them but the actual facts were hiding from her. Moreover, Lakshay was actually, doubting on Ragini and he is being sure about it that it was Ragini who plan all. The Swara was even kidnapped in the instruction of Ragini.

But Swara is not ready to believe it and she is continuously claimed that Ragini is innocent and she believes her sister. She stated further that Lakshay if you constantly doubt on Ragini how you will be giving her second chance.

Maheshwari astound to know that Lakshay is giving second chance to Ragini. Lakshay makes it clear to his mom that he will be giving her second chance but if Swara will be proving her sister wrong. When Ragini appear she says “Moon has arrived” and my dad and Dadajee both arrived in the house. Let’s go Badi Maa, I actually come here to call you.

The girls perform Pooja ceremony and tonight episode is the interesting one as tonight Lakshay have to resolves Ragini’s “Vrat” against his wish.

On the other hand, Swara will be also resolving her “Vrat” in the hands of Sanskar. When Lakshay will be talking about her love for Swara, Lakshay will be angry, eventually, Sanskar will be literally proposing Swara.

Swara will be astounding with it, but Sanskar will be making his confession. This love of Sanskar for Swara was actually hidden by Sanskar till now but today he will be exposing everything.


One response to “Sanskar Confess His Love For Swara! Swaragini 6th November 2015 Episode”

  1. Saanskar finally did a great job!!!Swara should reciprocate his love soon!!

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