Santa Claus Shot Down

Santa Claus Shot Down From The Iron Dome Over Israel

The recent viral news is coming that Blitzen killed Israel as Iraon Dome mistakes Santa’s sleigh for the missile. Due to the detection error which is done by Iron Dom, Israle’s missile defense system, recently took out one of Santa’s reindeer. Currently, this news has gone viral on the web and catching a lot of attention from the viewers. People are very curious to know full information about this incident. People continuously follow this news update to know all the details related to this case. This article will help you to learn about the recent viral news. Let’s discuss the incident in detail.

Santa Claus Shot Down

Santa Claus Shot Down

According to the sources, Blitzen killed Israel as Iron Dome mistakes Santa’s sleigh for the missile. Moreover, Saint Nick was traveling from Lebanon into northern Israel. The day, he had to deliver the gifts to Christian children including around Nazareth. The Iron Dome detected strange things in the sky. The Iron Dome identified a group of objects flying low in the sky. It misidentified Santa’s sleigh as a rocket barrage, and an Iron Dome battery was deployed. It was found detection errors by Iron Dome caused high loss. Read more in the next section.

Due to the Iron Dome’s detection errors, in the incident, Blitzen lost his life while the other two Vixen and Comet were badly injured. Meanwhile, as per the plan, Claus perfectly landed his sleigh outside Jerusalem. Later in the night, he started his work and completed his route. Sadly, it causes a delay for a few hours. Many families arrive at Claus in their living rooms on Christmas morning. The incident created a huge controversy. On the other side, the Israeli government accepted their errors but Santa is blamed for using sovereign air space. As we earlier mentioned Santa Claus Down over Israel by the Iron Dome.

The recent incident gained international attention. Further, several children have not received their expensive gifts. Today’s morning is described as so sad for the children due to the recent incident. As per the statement of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, “If Mr. Nicholas wants to enter the country, he can go through the checkpoints like everyone else”. Moreover, Claus decides after the incident. As per Claus’s statement, he is going to become the part of BDS boycott movement. Further, he is thinking of avoiding Israel in future years. If we get any other information we will update you on the same site.


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