Stephen Chledowski Video

Stephen Chledowski Video: Military Investigating After Officer Appears In Anti-Vaccine Video

Stephen Chledowski Video A video is circulating on all the internet and attracts all the attention of the internet users towards the video and now, everyone is talking about this and also the video comes in the spotlight. Now, the Canadian Army officer in New Brunswick is underneath inquiry after contacting other military associates and police to ascend up over-vaccination and pandemic limitations and guidelines. Stephen Chledowski Video is on the internet and is seen by many of the internet users who witnessed the video with gives several opinions and comments on the video. The video attracts all the attention of the internet users towards it and becomes a serious topic for discussion for all and also everyone is talking about this. The officials are investigating the video and the investigation process is going on and surely it will reach a conclusion very soon. Be with our page and blog to collect and grasp all the information and details about the video.

Stephen Chledowski Video

Stephen Chledowski Video

Talking about the video, then the Maj. Stephen Chledowski conveyed carrying his uniform in a seven-minute video which was uploaded on Thursday where he described the actions of government throughout the pandemic as tyranny and he went on to explain vaccination for the ongoing pandemic virus as “genocide.” The Canadian Forces’ head of media relations named Daniel Le Bouthillier affirmed in an email that Chledowski is an energetic member of the army which is based at 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.

According to the statement of Le Bouthillier who stated that they are investigating the whole incident and will be carrying proper action but still it is not clear what action will be taken on him. In the seven-minute-long video, the Maj. Chledowski defines himself as a warrior of around 21 years and experience of the war in Afghanistan and he stated that he has not been vaccinated. The military has mandated its fellows to get vaccinated and around 98 per cent of troops were vaccinated according to the report of the Canadian Press.

Maj. Chledowski explains and defines the actions meant to lessen the spread of ongoing pandemics as being charged by government traitors and the statement of the military states that “a hallmark of our democracy is the principle that the military is accountable to our duly elected officials. The Stephen Chledowski Video is on the internet and easily witnessed by anyone and on Friday evening, Maj. Chledowski stated that he had been ordered not to give any interviews. What I’ve said is what I’ve said. Stay tuned with us.


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