In the last night episode of the TV series Thapki Pyaar Ki, it has been shown that Thapki was running on the road. She was shouting Bihaan and she sees Bihaan’s bike fallen and she shocked to see so and asked about it to people to know that this is an accident. The man said this was a bad accident and I don’t think the person who was sitting he is survived.

Thapki Pyaar Ki Maha Episode Written Updates
Thapki is anxious and she come home and see that Bihaan is in home and Dhruv asked to Thapki in taunting tone that Bihaan is my brother I can’t harm him and Thapki is still sceptical about Dhruv as he can guess that he is passionately in love with herself.
Dadi said to Thapki that why she is a worry but still she is unable to reveal anything to Dadi. In the meantime, Preeti said that she needs to arrange the Thapki’s stuff and all that as bride need to look so beautiful and she is.
Now Dhruv declares that he need to do photo shoot of Bihaan and Thapki but Bihaan says he doesn’t wishes to do the Photoshop. Bihaan says to Dhruv about Thapki that beauty is something which is lie on the heart.
Thapki is really beautiful and she can look beautiful in ordinary clothes, so we do not need to do photoshop and Thapki agree with him. Bihaan also called these gestures show off and because of the Bihaan’s words, Dhruv fumes on anger.
On the breakfast table, Bihaan and Thapkis shares some loving moments and Dhruv again annoyed to see so. In fact, due to Bihaan’s hands were hurt, Thapki herself feed food to him. They both Thapki and Bihaan now had an eye lock and they looked on.
Precap: Dhruv challenged to Thapki that Thapki is belonged to him but Thapki said that she will be exposed him. Eventually, Thapki will be slipped and Dhruv will hold her tight and Bihaan will be shocked to see so.
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