The last night episode of the TV series Thapki Pyaar Ki begins with Shraddha arrives and she asked to Bihaan that it is actually Dhruv is getting married Thapki by deceiving Bihaan and Thapki. She also arrives there with Bihaan and asked Dhruv that I am your wife already so you can’t marry Thapki.

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And it is also a cheating but Dhruv gives his statement that I did not do cheating with anybody, in fact, I cut me the relationship Bihaan is having with Thapki as I love Thapki and Thapki is suppose to be my wife.
Somehow while, Dhruv was speaking Thapki manages to throw chilli powder on his eyes and take Thapki besides her. But Dhruv turns violent to marry Thapki. But the family tries to make him understand that Thapki is belonged to Bihaan but Dhruv is too difficult to handle as he is too violent.
Now finally Vasu asked Dhruv that just leave Thapki’s hands as he was just forcing her to marry him unless I will shoot you as I need to support right person now. Dhruv asked Vasu that I can’t leave Thapki as she is mine and me also aware of it that you can’t shoot me as I’m your son and looks your hands are shaking.
Vasu warns him but when he tries to pull Thapki Vasu shots him to see that Bihaan got shot instead as he tries to save Bihaan. The family is broken down to see Bihaan’s condition and Bau Ji calls an ambulance.
Thapki is shattered and broken down in tears to see that Dhruv feels guilty for what he did as he recalled the memory like in the childhood days how Bihaan used to save him always.
Vasu is now shocked and shattered but Shraddha has been seen consoling her. Dhruv feels guilty as whatever happened today in the Pandey house all because of him. The doctor asked the family that we need to operate Bihaan.
The operation of Bihaan is done now, the doctor takes out the bullet from his body. He comes out and the family is crying now on seeing him.
Precap: The doctor speaks about Bihaan and the family is shocked now.
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