It is known to all Thapki Pyar Ki viewers that Dhruv (Ankit Bathla) has been trying to create a misunderstanding between Bihaan (Manish Goplani) and Thapki (Jigyasa Singh), as he is passionately in love with Thapki and want to have her anyhow. But his all evil efforts are going in vain.

Thapki is now all set to marry Bihaan. But Dhruv, also want to marry so he can do anything to have Thapki even he can kill Bihaan in fact he wants to do so. That is why he hit Bihaan and makes him unconscious on the day of the wedding.
He takes Bihaan’s place in the Mantap. And nobody can realise that he is Dhruv, not Bihaan as he covered his face with Sehra. Thapki is very happy as she is thinking that in the attire of groom it is Bihaan is sitting beside her.
But at the nick of time when Thapki and Dhruv were all set to take 7th and last Pheras Bihaan arrives and exposed Dhruv. After Dhruv’s truth will be coming out he will be seen annoying and he will kidnap Thapki to take her in the farm house.
In the farmhouse, Dhruv will be asked to Thapki that how much he loves her and want to marry as per Hindu tradition but somehow Thapki will be run away from the kidnapping site and explain the entire story to Bihaan.
Now police will be call by Bihaan who will be arrest Dhruv but gradually Dhruv will be also seen doing penance as he will narrate to his family that whatever he did that is wrong and he will also seek pardon from the family, especially from Thapki and Bihaan.
A source was quoted by an entertainment website that, “As of now, Dhruv’s character will come to an end. And Bathla will not be seen in the show for a while. The actor has already planned for his much-anticipated holiday abroad, and will be leaving soon”.
“However, this does not mean that Dhruv will not get back in the show. Though the script ahead is not yet clear, it appears as though Ankit will stage a comeback, probably later”, the source further added.
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