According to the police on Saturday, two Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militants have been killed in an encounter with security forces in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. The terrorists have been killed in a joint operation by Jammu and Kashmir Police, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) & Army.
Two LeT Militants Gunned Down in Encounter
A police official said that the encounter took place on Friday evening in the Sangam area of Bijbehara in south Kashmir.
Inspector General of Jammu and Kashmir Police Vijay Kumar said, “Cordon and search operation was launched in Gundbaba Sangam on Friday evening on specific input about the presence of militants in the area during which two militants of LeT were killed.”
The official said that the slain ultras were being identified. He added, “Weapons were recovered from the site of the encounter.”
The terrorists have been identified as Naveed Bhat alias Furqan, resident of Qaimoh and Aaqib Yaseen Bhat, also a resident of Qaimoh.
According to the sources, the security forces had a specific input about the presence of the militants that triggered the encounter.
This is the 2nd major encounter this week.
On Wednesday (Feb 19), security forces gunned down three militants including a dreaded top commander of Hizbul Mujahideen at Awantipore in the Pulwama district of South Kashmir.
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